Using Netscape Mail Messenger 4.7 at CSUN:

Message Management

Mail Folders

Your mail is organized into different folders, or storage locations. Standard storage locations vary depending on your mail server settings. You can also create folders and specify locations for filtering incoming mail.

Standard Storage Locations

Incoming messages are normally stored in a folder called Inbox. When you enter mail to read new messages you will see those in your Inbox by default. To select any other folder, click the folder name on the folder list.

Unless you change "Copies & Folders" preferences, copies of messages that you send are saved in a folder called Sent. Also by default, deleted messages are transferred to a folder called Trash. If you decide to save a message to send later, you may place it in a folder called Drafts, then come back to finish it at any time (this folder will be created automatically the first time you want save a message).
  • IMAP Users: The folder list shows both server mail folders (under the heading and Local Mail folders. The default Inbox, Sent and Trash folders are located on the incoming mail server (
  • POP Users: All mail you receive will be downloaded to your computer. Therefore, you'll only see a list of Local Mail folders — which includes Inbox, Sent, and Trash.

Creating New Folders

In addition to these standard folders, which are created by the application, you may create other folders as needed for organizing your mail messages. Folders can be arranged hierarchically (i.e., folders within folders).

To create a new folder, select New Folder from the File menu. In the "New Folder" dialox box enter a name for the new folder in the "Name:" text box and choose a folder from the "Create as sub-folder" drop-down list (for example, choose "Local Mail" if you want the new folder to be sub-folder that folder).
Notes for IMAP Users:
  • Remember that your list of folders will include folders on the mail server ( as well as Local Folders.
  • While it is possible to maintain and manipulate mail folders on both the server and your desktop, it is a good idea to move mail from your Inbox to folders on your workstation within a reasonable time frame. This keeps the server from getting overloaded. 

Searching for and Sorting Messages

You can search for a message by subject, date, sender, body of message, priority, "To" or "CC". Choose Search Messages from the Edit menu. In the "Search Messages" dialog box, first select the folder you want to search. To search all folders on your local workstation select Local Mail. Then select or enter the specifics of your search in the boxes provided. If you wanted to locate all mail messages that had "budget" in the subject line, for example, you would choose/enter "Search for items in Local Mail where the subject contains budget".

To sort your messages click on the column above the message list to sort on that column (e.g., Subject or Sender). Click a second time to reverse-sort the column.

Moving and Deleting Messages and Folders

Deleting a Message

To delete the currently selected message, you can click on the Delete icon on the toolbar at the top of the message window — or you can tap the DELETE key on the keyboard! The message is then moved from the current folder to a folder called Trash (or handled some other way — as specified in preferences for Mail & Newsgroups). POP users will have only one (local) Trash folder. IMAP users will see a Trash folder on both the mail server and in Local Mail. 

Messages in a Trash folder may be viewed (like messages in any other folder) until the Trash folder is emptied. They can be retrieved from Trash and moved into another folder if you change your mind about deleting them (provided you haven't emptied the folder in the meantime).

Files that are moved to the Trash folder can be removed permanently by selecting Empty Trash... from the File menu.

Moving a Message to a Different Folder

To move a message from one folder to another folder, select the desired message from the message list, then click the File icon on the toolbar (NOT the File menu item) and choose (click) the destination folder from the list of folders that appears.

If you're an IMAP user, you can move mail messages in folders on the server to different folders on the server, or to folders under Local Mail (which is stored in your own computer) — and vice versa.

Making Multiple Selections for Moving or Deleting Messages

To select more than one message to move or delete, you can hold down the CTRL key and click on each message. Other multiple selections can be made by choosing Select from the Edit menu and selecting one of the following:
  • All — to select every message in the folder,
  • Flagged — to select messages you've previously flagged, or 
  • Thread — to select a message and all its replies.
Selected messages are highlighted. You may then delete them move them (to the same location), as previously described. 

Deleting a Folder

To delete a folder (and all messages it contains), do the following: From the Communicator menu choose (click) Tools and then click Message Center. Highlight (click) the name of the folder to be deleted, then, from the Edit menu, select Delete.

Filtering Incoming Messages

You can have incoming messages automatically stored in particular folders by creating a message mail filter. A filter is a "rule" for routing a message. For example, to store all messages from a mailing list ("listserv") called "mathwhiz" that you've subscribed to, begin by creating a new folder. Pick an appropriate name, such as "Math Whiz". 

Next, from the Edit menu, select Message Filters and then click the New button. Enter a name for the filter (e.g., "mathwhiz"), then specify the action that is to be performed. With appropriate use of the dialog box you could specify the rule as "if to of the message contains mathwhiz". 

Many other filtering options are available, such as filtering by subject or priority level. To see what they are, explore the options in the dialog box. 

You may deactivate a filter by selecting Mail Filters, then unchecking the name of the filter. To reactivate the filter, make sure that there is a check to the right of its name.
Notes to IMAP Users:
  • You can filter mail to folders on both the mail server ( and your desktop computer (Local Folders). 
  • While there may be some mail that is best stored on the server (so that you can access it from both on and off campus), it is a good idea to move most filtered messages to sub-folders of Local Mail. This keeps the server from getting overloaded.


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Prepared by J. S. Fleming, revised by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services

August 22, 2002