Technology Training Guides

Mailing Lists


Using the Majordomo Mailing List Server


Majordomo is a program that lets you send messages to and receive email messages from an existing mail list, such as a CSUN class. If you send a message to a list then everyone who is subscribed receives a copy. Likewise, if someone else sends a message to the list, you as a subscriber will receive a copy. 

Majordomo is a standard shareware program for UNIX-based computers. It was written by Brent Chapman. A similar mail list application called "Listserv" may be familiar to IBM mainframe users. Majordomo and Listserv are quite similar, but differ slightly in how they are administrated and in the way that they are used. 


To use Majordomo you must first subscribe. Do this by sending an email message to "majordomo@csun.edu" -- that is, place this in the "To:" or address field of your message. Then as the top line of your message write: 

subscribe listname

For example, to subscribe to the list "math150-c" you would enter: 

subscribe math150-c

Later, you will receive an electronic mail message from Majordomo confirming your subscription.


To unsubscribe, just send an email message to majordomo@csun.edu with the one-line message: 

unsubscribe listname

Mailing List Name Conventions

Note that CSUN class list names all end with "-c". On-campus group or organization names end with "-g" and departmental lists with "-l" (this is the letter "el," not the number "1"!). List names are not case-sensitive so math150-c is equivalent to MATH150-C. Names are restricted to 10 or fewer characters, not including the the list type (-c, -g, or -l). 

Sending Messages to Others Via a Majordomo List

To send a message to others, first compose the message. CSUN students typically use Pine (the UNIX email program) or Nescape Mail or Eudora (POP-mail programs which may be available on your local computer). Send the message to: 


In the "math150" example (above) you would specify: 


Remember to send message to the list name, NOT to Majordomo itself (as you would a subscripton request). 

Don't forget to fill in the "Subject:" area of the message with one or a few short words.

Replying to Mailing List Messages

It's easy as pie to reply using your email program's "reply" feature (in Pine mail, for instance, type "R" when reading the message). But here's a word of WARNING: Your intention may be to send a personal reply to a particular poster rather than the list at large. In most email systems you have the option to choose whether to reply to everyone or just the poster. Choose carefully! If using certain off-site lists you may be unintentionally sending your message to thousands of people! 

Also, lists may be set up differently with some lists replying to just the poster by default, whereas with others the message is sent to everyone unless otherwise specified.

Majordomo Commands for List Subscribers

The following list is extracted from Majordomo's "help" file, which was obtained by sending a message to majordomo@csun.edu with the one-line message: 


Be aware that some lists and information are restricted, so that you may not be able to use every one of these with certain lists. 

For commands available only to list administrators, see the separate publication Creating and Managing Majordomo Lists

In the command listing below items contained in [brackets]'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the [brackets]'s around it. 

Commands should be sent in the body of an email message to "majordomo@csun.edu"or to "list-request". The list parameter is only optional if the message is sent to an address of the form "list-request". Commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed.

Majordomo understands the following commands: 


subscribe [list] [address]

Subscribe yourself (or address if specified) to the named list.
unsubscribe [list] [address] Unsubscribe yourself (or address if specified) from the named list.
get [list] filename Get a file related to list.
index [list] Return an index of files you can "get" for list. 
which [address] Find out which lists you (or address if specified) are on. 
who [list] Find out who is on the named list. 
info [list] Retrieve the general introductory information for the named list. 
lists Show the lists served by this Majordomo server. 
help Retrieve this message. 
end Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature). 


If you have any questions or problems regarding the use of Majordomo, please contact helpdesk@csun.edu

If you have questions about a particular list, send email to list-owner@csun.edu (replacing list with the Majordomo list name).




September 22, 1999

Page maintained by User Support Services

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