
Chef1sccarf Social Cuisine Club of ARF Chef2sscarf

The Social Cuisine Club of ARF (SCCARF) consists of two groups dedicated to the enjoyment of casual dining and/0r lunching in the company of friends, often discovering in the process overlooked epicurean gems. Once each month the group explores a different restaurant, mostly in the SF Valley but on occasion in a community over the hill. The agenda? Enjoy a meal together, perhaps sample some exotic foods, taste a bit of wine, engage in stimulating conversation, and if the opportunity avails itself, continue the conversation at a member's home nearby.

Responsibility for selecting venues and dates rotates among group members. When dining, each participant tracks items he or she orders, determines tax and tip from a provided table, and passes his or her share of the bill to the host; the host picks up the tab. Attendance at events typically ranges from 15 to 25.

To receive email notification of future DINNER outings, contact Jim Dole.

The lunch group, called "Yum Yum" is temporarily inactive. Watch for this group to begin again.