

Preprints and Reprints

By default, preprint files are in PDF format. The PDF plug-in is available from Adobe. At the end of each item there is also the choice of DjVu format, of comparable quality but smaller file size. The DjVu plug-in is available from Lizardtech for PC's and Mac's, and from DjVuLibre for Unix/Linux systems.


Lecture Notes

Just that! Lecture Notes from several courses and seminars that I have taught, offered without warranty.

Contact Info

Alberto Candel

Office: SN 430

Office Hours: Wed 4-5pm, Thurs 3-4pm

Phone: 677-6512

Acknowledgment and Disclaimer

Some of the research results posted on this Web site were supported by grants from the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. Opinions, findings, or recommendations expressed in those results are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

Alberto Candel
Last modified: Fri Aug 5 16:21:52 PDT 2011
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