Delivering contact information about CSUN entities
The Directory web service provides contact information about CSUN entities. The web service provides a gateway to access the information via a REST-ful API. The information is retrieved by creating a specific URI and giving values to filter the data. The data is provided by CSUN Central IT. The information that is returned is a JSON object that contains contact information about a particular person, center, college, department, etc; the format of the JSON object is as follows:
"status": "200",
"success": "true",
"type": "department",
"department": {
"department_id": "academic_departments:189",
"college_id": "academic_groups:52",
"entity_type": "Academic Department",
"name": "Computer Science",
"description": "Welcome to the fascinating world of Computer Science, boys and girls.",
"record_status": "Active",
"contacts": [
"contact_id": 6247,
"entities_id": "academic_departments:189",
"parent_entities_id": "academic_groups:52",
"role_position": "department",
"precedence": 0,
"is_displayed": 1,
"title": "Computer Science",
"email": "",
"telephone": "8186773398",
"facsimile_telephone": "8186777208",
"website": "",
"location": "Jacaranda Hall",
"office": "JD 4503",
"mail_drop": "91330-8281"
// this example assumes jQuery integration for ease of use
// and a <div> element with the ID of "directory-results"
// query the information for computer science
var url = '';
$(document).ready(function() {
// perform a shorthand AJAX call to grab the information
$.get(url, function(data) {
// get the department information
var department = data.department;
$(department).each(function(index, info) {
// append each course to the content of the element
$('#directory-results').append('<p>' + + ' ' + info.description + '</p>');
// query all the information for Computer Science
$url = '''';
//add extra necessary options
$data = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions));
// encode into an array
$data = json_decode($data, true);
// print the results
import urllib2
import json
#query all the information for Computer Science
url = u''
#try to read the data
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
except Exception as e:
data = {}
#decode into an array
data = json.loads(data)
#setup a blank array
directory_list = []
#loop through results and add department name
#and description subject to direcotyr_list
for info in data['department']:
directory_list.append(info['name'] + ' ' + info['description'])
print directory_list
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
#query all the information for Computer Science
source = ''
#call data
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(source))
#get body of the response
data = response.body
#put the parsed data
puts JSON.parse(data)