Focusing on the health and well-being of our campus community Read This Email Online



Matador Forward

Matadors Forward

January 10, 2022


Dear Colleagues,


As shared by President Beck, CSUN will begin the spring semester with temporary primarily remote instruction for the first three weeks of the semester, Monday, January 24 through Friday, February 11. Spring semester instruction will begin in person on February 14, 2022. This strategy provides us the opportunity to focus on the health and well-being of our entire campus community while continuing to provide important services and resources to our students. Below is helpful information to assist you.


Operations/Work Expectations
Rotations of on-campus staff and hybrid/remote work schedules will continue through February 14, 2022 in an effort to minimize contact between employees and ensure continuity of services. Large in-person meetings should be avoided and distancing should be maintained as much as possible.

Additionally, we all have a collective responsibility to conduct our work in a way that promotes personal health and safety, as well as that of co-workers and students. Please complete the self-screening survey, stay home if sick and/or exposed to COVID-19, wear masks indoors, and wash your hands regularly.


Booster Requirement
To be in alignment with in-person courses resuming on February 14, 2022, all non-represented employees and students, coming to campus, will be expected to provide certification of booster no later than February 4, 2022 or as soon thereafter as they are eligible according to CDC guidelines.

All represented employees are encouraged to obtain their booster as soon as eligible. We will update you of specific timeline requirements after the meet and confer processes are completed.

Schedule a booster appointment by visiting

The CSUN portal is being updated to allow you to revise your self-certification vaccine status. We will notify the campus community once that becomes available.


Important Mask Update
Per Los Angeles County Public Health Order, CSUN is now requiring all faculty and staff to wear medical-grade masks (e.g., surgical masks or procedure masks, with three layers) in lieu of single-layer cloth masks that no longer provide optimal protection against COVID-19. If you need a medical-grade mask, please contact your Department COVID Coordinator.


If you have not certified you are fully vaccinated (two dose Pfizer/Moderna or one dose Johnson and Johnson) or certified you are not coming to campus, a negative COVID-19 PCR test result is required within seven days of coming to campus and weekly thereafter.

Testing is available and encouraged for all employees regardless of vaccination status.

Please visit COVID-19 Employee Testing for more information.


Reporting COVID-19 cases
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or believe you may have been exposed to someone with COVID -19 please complete the Faculty and Staff Self-Reporting Form.


Returning to campus for the first time:
Please review Employee Quick Guide: What to Expect When Returning to Campus.


Divisional leaders will be hosting townhalls with employees in their respective divisions. Calendar invites will be forthcoming.


Auxiliary Employees
Auxiliary employees should check with their respective Human Resources office for specific protocols to their work areas.


Please regularly visit the MATADORS FORWARD website for the latest guidance and information, including updated employee FAQs. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Human Resources, Employee Relations at or 818-677-6566.


Mary Beth Walker, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
William Watkins, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Colin Donahue, Vice President for Administration and Finance & CFO