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Hearing Impairments (Deaf Hard of Hearing - DHH)

American Sign Language (ASL) Browser
A browser to look up videos of thousands of ASL signs.

American Sign Language, History of Sign Language
This website gives a brief history of ASL.

Hearing Impairment, Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
This website explains the different types of hearing losses, causes, the social impact, and medical treatment.

Hearing, Speech, and Deafness Center (HSDC)
This website describes the risk factors and testing for an individual with a hearing impairment.  It also gives a chart of normal speech development by age.

 “History through Deaf Eyes”
This website was constructed by Gallaudet University.  It  demonstrates family life, education, and work through “deaf eyes.”  It is a great site to get an overall sense of the Deaf Community.     

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
This website provides extensive information on hearing impairments including research, studies, health resources, current news and events about
hearing impairments.

Introduction to Cochlear Implants
This website describes cochlear implants and how they work.

Kids Health, What is a Hearing Loss?
This website discusses the three types of hearing losses and lists the many causes of hearing loss whether it is music, ear infections, or meningitis.

Strategies For Teaching Students With Hearing Impairments
This website is a great resource for teachers who have hearing impaired
students in their classroom.  It provides definitions, teaching strategies, ideas for using various materials, explanations of various reading and writing styles for hearing impaired students, and testing guidelines.


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