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Books and Publications

Asian Week
An online journal for Asian Americans, written in English.

Center for Applied Linguistics
Some material, including researcher articles, position statements are available online in full text.

Education Update
A free award-winning newspaper addressing important issues in education including medical education and legal education for all grade levels.

Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education (EMME)
Free e-journal for international scholars, practitioners and students of multicultural education. 

EPSL Language Policy Research Unit
The Education Policy Studies Laboratory conducts and coordinates original quality research in areas such as student performance standards, assessment, commercialism in schools, curriculum, and language policy issues.

ESL Books for Teachers
Offers recommended ESL books lists for teachers.

Hispanic Online
Online journal focusing on Hispanic issues ranging from education to arts and entertainment.

International Journal on Multicultural Societies  (IJMS)
An international online scholarly and professional journal in the fields of migration, multiculturalism and minority rights.  It is published by UNESCO. 

JSTOR The Modern Language Journal

Contains a digital archive of the print version of The Modern Language Journal. 
Electronic Version of The Modern Language Journal is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/

Language, Culture, and Curriculum
Online journal addressing culture in language and curriculum.

Language Learning & Technology
Online journal for second and foreign language educators.

Language Linguistics Literature Learning
Site contains online international journal addressing theoretical and applied topics in language studies, linguistics and language teaching.

Language Magazine
An online resource for language and education.

Language Materials Project
Contains teaching resources, including quick facts and tips, for less commonly taught languages. 

Lingua Prismo
A Website for and about languages, including writing systems of the world and dictionaries.

Modern Language Quarterly
Archival issues of Modern Language Quarterly from Duke University Press.

NABE’s Bilingual Research Journal (BRJ)

Online archive of NABE’s.

Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Online journal.

Teaching to Change LA
An online journal by and about teachers, students and parents in schools and communities in the greater Los Angeles area.


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