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Family and Community Resources

America Reads Challenge: Read*Write*Now! Activities for Reading and Writing Fun
A site to help parents and teachers develop interesting reading activities for young children.

BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper
Provides teaching materials for teachers, resources for students, and advice for parents about how to help their kids.

Family Involvement Storybook Corner
Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) introduces a resource to strengthen family-school community partnerships -- children’s storybooks with family involvement content.

Info Please Homework Center
This is a great site for homework resources and more, providing reference materials including an almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, and biography database. They also provide maps and atlas materials and a map library.

ISLMC Children's Literature & Language Arts Resources

Provides helpful resources for both children and parents.

Literacy Resources: LEARNS
Resources related to adult and family literacy, setting up mentoring programs for young readers, and tutoring middle and high school students.

Reaching out to Hispanic students and families
Blacklines and tips for involving parents.

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