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Differentiated Instruction for Special Needs

American Sign Language Browser
Allows you to look up thousands of ASL signs.

Activities for children with disabilities, including art, learning computers, math development, language, basic science skills, and more.

Frontier Travel Camp, Inc.  (under special needs)
Provides comprehensive information about camps that accommodate different needs and disabilities.

Gorp Travel for people with disabilities (under special needs)
Offers information about places to go that accommodate for disabled people including all National parks with wheelchair accessible trails, forests, fishing sites, beaches, mountain hiking, sand dunes, rock climbing and more.

LD Online Teachers Homepage
Extensive resource for Special needs teachers including strategies and techniques and more.

Teachers Guide to Inclusion
Part of the LD Online site.

Teachers Helping Teachers Special Education
Provides a variety of lesson plans for K-12 teachers all written by other teachers.  Scroll down the page and find links to both Social Studies and Special Education.


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