CSUN Human Resources Newsletter
HR News | April 2019

Welcome to the April Issue of HR News. Check out what's new and what's happening this month. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to see an upcoming event included in a future issue of HR News, please contact us.

Don't forget to explore the Online calendar of Professional & Personal Development Programming available to you at: http://www.csun.edu/development/training

Human Resources Newsletter

Human Resources Updates | April 2019

Explore HR Updates to learn about resources available to you and important employment updates, such as:

  • "60 Years of Excellence: Celebrating Our Staff's Dedication to Student Success" theme of this year's Annual Staff Service & Recognition of Excellence Awards Event on April 22
  • Take 1 Minute to Know Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Alert Day | March 26
  • Fall 2019 Fee Waiver Priority Enrollment Period | Now through April 26
  • Is Your Birthday in May? Comply with the CalPERS Dependent Re-Verification Requirement by May 1
  • Click Here for Details and More Updates
Human Resources Newsletter

Campus Updates | April 2019

Dive into this section to find campus events and programs that you can participate in this month. These are just a few:

  • Water Day 2019 & National Nutrition Month Celebration | March 26
  • eProcess+ Showcase | April 3
  • Explore This Year's Common Read: "The Far Away Brothers" with Faculty and Staff Discussions | April 8 & 19
  • RGS Sponsored Faculty and Staff Workshop: Patents & Copyrights | April 25
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant Based Nutrition Brown Bag Lunch & Book Signing | April 25
  • New College of Education Lactation Location Opens on Campus
  • Click Here for Details and More Updates
Human Resources Newsletter

Professional & Personal Programming | April 2019

The Professional & Personal Development Program provides discussions, training workshops, and development sessions available to all Faculty and Staff. Highlights this month include:

  • Spice Up Your Life: Marilyn Magaram Cooking Series - Dried Spices | April 4
  • Mata-Tech Monday: Enhance Your Course Using Canvas | April 8
  • Free Biometric Screenings Available to All Faculty & Staff with Kaiser Mobile Health Vehicle | April 10
  • HR Insights: Understanding How CSUN's Classification & Compensation System Works | April 16
  • CalPERS Planning For Your Retirement Seminar | April 30
  • Click Here for Details and More Events

Register for an opportunity to engage or develop your interests this month.