CSUN Human Resources HR News
HR News | March 2024

Welcome to the March Issue of HR News!

We're doing this! Although it seems like we just started the semester, here we are, looking at Daylight Saving Time (March 10), Spring Break (March 18-24), and the mid-point of the academic semester. Way to go!

On that note of accomplishment and moving forward, don't forget to RSVP today and attend the Spring Celebration of Gratitude at the Soraya, on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback, or want to see an upcoming event included in a future issue of HR News.

Human Resources Newsletter

Human Resources Updates | March 2024

Explore HR Updates to learn about resources available to you and important employment updates, such as:

  • Summer and Fall 2024 Fee Waiver Priority Enrollment Period | Now Through April 19
  • Learn How to Utilize the Fee Waiver/Reduction Program Benefit | March 12
  • Student Employee Scheduling During Spring Break | March 18 – 24
  • Get Ready to Move with Ola: A New Physical Activity Challenge| Registration Opens March 25
  • Cesar Chavez Holiday Campus Closure | April 1
  • CalPERS In-Person Workshop: Planning Your Retirement | April 4
  • Explore LifeMatters' New Online Guided Experience
  • Click Here for Details & More HR Related Updates.
Human Resources Newsletter

Campus Updates & Events | March 2024

Dive into this section to find campus news, events, and programs you can participate in this month. These are just a few:

  • Calm & HR Present: Create a Better Sleep Routine
  • Don’t Miss the Spring Celebration of Gratitude! See You There | March 6
  • CSUN Giving Day is Almost Here! | March 6 - 7
  • How to Get Your Child to College, w/Gigi McGuire | March 12
  • CSUN Alumni Presents: Lady Docs Webinar - Celebrating Trailblazing Women | March 13
  • CSUN WISE Pi Day + Pie and Mixer | March 14
  • ATI & ICT Forms for Technology Purchases are Moving to the Web | March & April Demos
  • Explore CSUN's Zero Waste Event Guide Before Planning Your Next Event!
  • Click Here for More News, Events and Ways to Engage!
Human Resources Newsletter

Professional & Personal Programming | March 2024

The Professional & Personal Development Program provides Online discussions, training workshops, and development sessions available to all Faculty and Staff. Highlights this month include:

  • Atomic Habits: Becoming the Architect of Your Life | February 28
  • How to be an Effective Virtual Team Member | March 5
  • Avoiding Bias in Hiring | March 13
  • Using Inclusive Language | March 14
  • CSUGT Teamwork Across Generations | March 13
  • Navigating Challenging Conversations | March 27
  • In Honor of Leap Year: Leap into AI | March 29
  • Click Here for Details and more Programs & Workshops.

Register for an opportunity to engage or develop your interests this month.

Looking for a past issue of HR News? You can access our archive here.