CSUN Human Resources HR News
HR News | Intersession, January 2022

Welcome to the Intersession, January Issue of HR News. The information in this issue is intended to help you prepare for the start of the Spring 2022 semester. We'll have another issue in late January, early February to share what's new and what's happening in the first few weeks of the semester. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to see an upcoming event included in a future issue of HR News, please contact us.

Remember to stay up to date and frequently check: Matadors Forward.

Human Resources Newsletter

Human Resources Updates | January 2022

Explore HR Updates to learn about resources available to you and important employment updates, such as:

  • Important Schedule, Booster, & Mask Updates for Employees
  • Reminder: California Minimum Wage Increased to $15.00 | January 1
  • Telecommute Program Update | APC
  • Review & Update Your Emergency Contact Information
  • New or Returning to Campus this Spring? Completing Return to Campus Training, Following Safety Protocols, and How to Report COVID-19 Cases
  • Click Here for Details & More HR Related Updates.
Human Resources Newsletter

Campus Updates & Events | January 2022

Dive into this section to find campus updates you may have missed or that can help you prepare for Spring. These are just a few:

  • Nichole Ipach Named CSUN’s New VP for University Relations and Advancement
  • Claudia Keith Appointed Interim Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications
  • CSUN Among 21 CSU Campuses Honored as Equity Champions of Higher Education
  • In Case You Missed It: Update on Road Map to the Future
  • Click Here for Details & More Campus Updates.
Human Resources Newsletter

Professional & Personal Programming | January 2022

The Professional & Personal Development Program provides Online discussions, training workshops, and development sessions available to all Faculty and Staff. Highlights this month include:

  • CalPERS Webinar: Social Security & Your CalPERS Pension | January 12
  • Canvas Basics | January 14
  • Using Technology to Increase Digital Equity in your Course (Part 1) | January 18
  • CSU's Got Talent: Do What Matters Most - Lead with a Vision; Manage with a Plan; Prioritize Your Time | January 25
  • Click Here for Details and More Programs & Workshops.

Register for an opportunity to engage or develop your interests this month.

Looking for a past issue of HR News? You can access our archive here.