Acceptable Use Policies
Most Acceptable Use Policies include the following components
-a description of the instructional philosophies and strategies to be supported by Internet access in schools
-a statement on the educational uses and advantages of the Internet in your school or division
-a list of the responsibilities of educators, parents, and students for using the Internet
-a code of conduct governing behavior on the Internet
-a description of the consequences of violating the AUP
-a description of what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable use of the Internet
-a disclaimer absolving the school division, under specific circumstances, from responsibility
-a statement reminding users that Internet access and the use of computer networks is a privilege
-a statement that the AUP is in compliance with state and national telecommunication rules and regulations
-a signature form for teachers, parents, and students indicating their intent to abide by the AUP
Virginia Department of Education
Division of Technology