Lesson Planning
PACT Lesson Builder - Lesson Development
| Elements of Lesson Design | Semester Planning
State Content Standards |
Requirements for CSP |
Lesson Plans on the Web
Note: Use the PACT lesson builder for SED 525 , 554, 555
Generalized lesson plan format
(A) Major Concepts
- Cite the major concepts/topics to be addressed. These concepts should be listed in your semester plan.
- (CSP participants only ) Cite CSP workshop from which this lesson was derived.
(B) Performance Objective / Content Standards
- What will students be able to do when the lesson is complete?
- What levels of reasoning will be developed or used?
- Copy and paste the specific state or district content standards addressed. (California State Science Content Standards)
- What are your cognitive goals for the students?
(C) Materials and Equipment
- List the equipment necessary to conduct the lesson and how you will obtain it if necessary.
- Identify the scientific supply companies that you will order materials from, if necessary.
(D) Independent Practice/Assignments (handouts, readings, problems)
(E) Outline of Lesson (provide a general time frame)
(1) Warm-up/Dispatch Activity (activity for students to work on while you are taking role)
(2) Introduction. How does today's lesson relate to past lessons?
(3) Lecture/discussion (explanation of concepts; direct instruction). It is suggested that you develop a separate notebook of lecture notes that is organized by the major concepts taught throughout the semester.
- lecture notes: refer to page numbers in your lecture note book.
- diagrams (overhead transparencies)
- handouts
- reference pages in text
- reference time in video or frame numbers in laser discs
- (4) Activities
- group work
- laboratory experiments
- demonstrations
- videos
- guest speakers
- field trips
- (5) Summary (provide closure for the lesson)
(F) Homework (textbooks, readings, problems, projects, etc.)
- Handouts or problem sets.
- Readings: Specify the name and edition of the text. The California State Department of Education does not adopt textbooks for grades 9-12, leaving such decisions to local educational authorities.
- When possible, post your homework assignments online with a service such as Yourhomework.com
(G) References Reference relevant websites used in the development of lesson. You can find lesson plan ideas by referring to lesson plan sites or by performing a Boolean search on an advanced search engine such as AltaVista using the key content terms and the modifier term "lesson plan".