Requirements for Implementation

Meetings | Progress Reports | Journal Abstract | Poster Fair

(1) Attend all implementation meetings. All meetings are held in the Education Building, room 2101, 2103, or 2121B. Contact Dr. Herr for details.
  • Organizational Meeting (July 2003) Attend one of the following meetings:
Monday, June 30, 4:00-6:00 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 9-11 AM
  • Implementation Plan Meeting (September 2003) Come to one of the following meetings with a rough draft of your implementation plans.
Monday, September 15, 2003 4-6 PM
Monday, September 22, 2003 4-6 PM
  • Update and Review Meeting (January 2004) Come with a final draft of your implementation plans. During these meetings, each participant will present their revised, up-to-date implementation plans. Please bring charts, diagrams, lesson plans, and other materials as appropriate. Please also bring a copy of your abstract so we can discuss it before you submit it to Dr. Oppenheimer for the Journal of Student Research Activities.
Thursday, January 15, 2004 4:00-6:00 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2004 , 4:00-6:00 PM
(2) Post progress reports on-line forum


(3) Journal Student Research
  • Submit abstract to Dr. Oppenheimer by February 1, 2003. It is necessary to submit an abstract to recieve the certificate of recognition signed by Nobel Laureate Dr. Crick.


(4) Poster Fair
  • Present results of student research at Poster Fair in Spring 2003. The poster fair coincides with the the organizational meeting for the next phase of the NSF grant. Participants who wish to continue research next year should plan on attending this important meeting. Download Poster Fair response form.
Implementation Coordinator
Dr. Norm Herr
phone: 818 677-2505
Office: Education 2138

Need access to computers or the Internet?

  • Access to CSUN Computer Labs:
    • Door code to NW corner of Education building: See Norm
    • Door code to Education 2121A Student Computer work room: See Norm
  • Access to email:

    Dr. Steven Oppenheimer, Director       Dr. Norm Herr, Implementation Advisor

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