Screen Capture
- College of Education Laboratories: The command used to capture the screen image is "Apple-Shift-4". If you wish to perform a screen capture and keep it in the clipboard for transfer, press the control key when highlighting a section. If you do not press the control key while selecting, the file will be saved to your hard drive as a picture file. You will then need to rename it. Many of the Macs are also equipped with SnapzPro, a more advanced screen capture program. This can be found in the dock or in the applications folder. Follow the screen prompts for Snapz.
- Home : You may also download your own screen capture utility shareware from We suggest SnagIt or PrintScreen Deluxe for the PC environment and SnapzPro for the Mac. When searching for screen captures, type the name of the software or "screen capture" in the search window. Make certain to select the platform (Mac or Windows) before searching. Note, Windows users can also use the "print Screen" commmand on their keyboard, although it is less functional than the other programs. You can select part of the screen by framing your picture with a window and pushing Alt-Print-Screen a the same time (Alt-print-screen captures the active window rather than the entire screen).
Mac OS-X - Do you want to use the built in Apple screenshot tool (cmd-shift-3 or 4) but can't because it creates images in weird file formats (usually png or pdf). It turns out that you can change the default file format. What you have to do is to open a terminal (unix) window and type the following command:
defaults write type jpg
Press return, then restart your computer and your screen shots will render jpgs.