Professional Development
Since teaching is a profession and not merely an occupation, teachers should continually be striving to improve their professional skills. It is impossible, however, to grow in a vacuum. We need to be sharing with, and learning from others in our discipline. Professional organizations are designed to foster professional development by improving communication among their members. Journals provide a very valuable channel of communication within the profession, and educators should make use of them to the fullest. This assignment is designed to acquaint you with some of the journals and organizations in your subject area.
(1) Professional Meetings
Attend at least one day of one of the following professional meetings. (Note: If you are unable to attend any of the meetings, you may substitute with a second field trip or attend a professional meeting from another relevant organization.) As evidence of your attendance, please include the following in your write-up.
- Name, date, location, and professional affiliations of conference
- Paragraph summaries of each of the workshops / seminars / sessions you attended
- Photographs of the conference
(2) Professional Journal
Review at least two professional journals relevant to your chosen teaching field. As evidence, please include the following in your write-up. Most of these journals are in the library.
- Names of journals reviewed and their professional affiliation.
- Paragraph summary of an article you found particularly useful from each journal reviewed.
(3) Science Education Centers / Science Education Field Trip Sites
Visit one of the following science education centers or science education field trip sites in the Los Angeles area. As evidence of your attendance, please include the following in your write-up. (Note, you may substitute attendance at additional professional meeting for the science education center requirement)
- Photos of at least five displays or activities relevant to your curriculum.
- Paragraph summaries of the scientific principles displayed by each.
Note: If you are unable to find or attend a conference or center relevant to your needs, you may propose alternatives.
Submit your work on Moodle.