
Statistical Consultant, Dr. Andrew Ainsworth

    Andrew AinsworthMy main line of research currently is investigating the social and psychological impact that chronic stuttering has on a person suffering from this form of speech pathology.  In order to fully understand the nature of the disorder its effects we are simultaneously studying what it means to identify as a stutterer as well as how others perceive individuals who stutter.  One line of research looks at self-identified stutterers and compares them to non-stutterers in order to discover psychological/personality traits concomitant with the speech disorder as measured by a number of assessment inventories. The second line of research we have just started and consists of experimental manipulations that will investigate the impact that stuttering has on a perceiver's evaluation of other aspects (e.g. attractiveness, intelligence) of individual that have stuttered speech. As a quantitative psychologist I have the opportunity to consult and/or collaborate on a number of projects in a wide variety of sub-fields within psychology (e.g. social psychology, neuropsychology, psychopathology, personality, health, cognitive)