Text-Based Essay Writing Tasks

Essay 3 "Born Again Charlotte," by Arthur Vong


1.    How does the author support the idea that Charlotte's attempt to run away from her life is a futile attempt?
2.     How is Charlotte a "hostage of obligations"?  Where else in the essay is that metaphor applicable?
3.    Charlotte is said to have lived a "slow life" that would lead to a "slow death," and longed for the "fast life" that could lead to a "fast death."  List those people and events in her life that the writer uses to illustrate the slow life/slow death.  Then list those people and events that could be considered fast/life fast death.

Critical Thinking

4.    The writer points to several men in Charlotte's life whom she looks to for change: her husband, Saul; her lover, Amos; and her kidnapper, Jake.  In each case, what prevents Charlotte from embracing the new life offered by each man?  According to the writer, what must she do first in order to effectively change her life?
5.    How does "running away from problems" actually result in a clearer understanding of problems, according to the writer?