• Images from CSUN's New Site

    Coming Soon: A New CSUN.edu

  • Caribbean Fire Coral.

    Winning Battle for Caribbean Reef

  • Chicana/o studies associate professor Xóchitl Flores-Marcial in the the archives.

    Studying Mexico’s Indigenous Social Networks

  • Caribbean coral forests.

    Diversifying 'Portfolios' on Coral Reefs

  • Family and friends gathered to celebrate with the graduates at a special ceremony held at the Chicano House.

    Moving Forward and Giving Back

  • The city of Nairobi.

    Professor To Head Nairobi Photojournalism Program

  • Illustration of students holding phones with social media apps.

    Vulnerable to Power of ‘Influencers’

CSUN's Teresa Williams León: A Daughter’s Plea for Her Aging Father

My name is Teresa Williams León. I am writing on behalf of my 84-year-old father, a Veteran of the Armed Forces, who served 21 years in the U.S. Air Force and another 20 years afterward as a U.S. Navy civilian. This past Memorial Day we honored those who died serving our country, giving the ultimate sacrifice. There are many Veterans today, those among us who are still living, and should not be forgotten. My father lived in Santa Monica for the past several years and goes to WISE & Healthy Aging in Santa Monica (on 4th street). -- Santa Monica Daily Press

LA 500 2020: Chandra Subramaniam Dean, David Nazarian College of Business and Economics Cal State Northridge

THE LATEST: In September, the Nazarian College received $150, 000 from the KPMG Foundation to provide technology and tools for students via the KPMG Endowment for Workforce Development. Also last year, the CSUN Tax Clinic at the Nazarian College supported more than 8, 700 low-income taxpayers in 22 sites with their taxes, making the program the largest of any four-year college in the country. -- Los Angeles Business JOurnal

LA 500 2020: Dianne Harrison President Cal State Northridge

THE LATEST: Harrison postponed her June retirement to deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic; the search for her successor was also placed on hold. In January, she was appointed by the American Council on Education to a national task force focused on improving how academic credits for students are transferred between educational institutions. CSUN was one of 119 U.S. colleges and universities selected by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to receive a six-year designation for its commitment to community engagement. -- Los Angeles Business Journal
