University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library

Piano Phenom Kariné Poghosyan Joins The Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra On Saturday!

Ms. Poghosyan's musical studies began in her native Yerevan in Armenia, at the School of the Arts No. 1, and continued at Romanos Melikian College and the Komitas State Conservatory. Her teachers in Armenia included Irina Gazarian, Vatche Umr-Shat, and Svetlana Dadyan. After moving to the United States in 1998, she received her BM, summa cum laude, from California State University in Northridge, under Françoise Regnat, followed by her MM and DMA degrees at Manhattan School of Music, under Arkady Aronov. In fact, she completed her DMA in a record-breaking two years with a thesis on Aram Khachaturian's works for piano.

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