Course Information Overview
- Eng. 429 # 14030 -NOTE to any/all students who might be committed to an agenda of political correctness, you may find some of the course material offensive; there are perhaps other classes that would better suit your needs. Please skim the topics and texts now; if any of these seem problematic to you, please consider another course before the drop deadline, as I will not offer alternate assignments. At times we may watch excerpts from R rated films. If you feel this will pose a problem with your ability to complete the work successfully, it is best for you find a more suitable class.
- To minimize the potential of receiving spam, it has been configured as a "closed" list. USE only your respective CSUN email address to communicate with this list, rather than sending from a Gmail or Hotmail type account. They will bounce.
- M 4-645P EU 131
Course Description
One lower-division literature course; ENGL 355 OR 305. Critical analysis of selected literary works of interest to adolescents, including works commonly used in secondary schools (grades 7-12); development of priniciples for the evaluation of literature for adolescents. Prospective teacher candidates must participate in field experience as part of their understanding of the teaching of literature and language arts in the public school classroom.
Specific areas of concentration, and aspects by which you will be graded, are as follows:
- To explore selected literary works written for or about adolescents;
- To explore how the literary, intellectual, historical, and social contexts of a time period impact adolescent literature;
- To improve critical thinking and writing skills;
- To work in groups toward a goal;
- To deliver oral presentations.
Essays- All must be submitted to via Canvas in a timely manner for credit.
The secret to being successful in this course is to attend class, complete the reading assignments, complete the writing assignments, and actively participate in discussions and presentations.
Shortwrites & Quizzes (Midterm: in-class write) | 25% | Final Project | 25% |
Analytical Essays | 30% | Class Participation/Electronic or otherwise & Attendance | 20% |
Two essays argumentative in nature.
Learning Resource Writing Center click here!
LRC visits are strongly recommended for all essays this semester.
Extra Credit will be given with proof of LRC attendance for each major essay! Online appointments are easy to schedule click here
The writing center is located in the Oviatt Library 3rd floor east wing and graduate students or instructor are available to assist you with various steps in the writing process such as brainstorming, revising and editing. You may call for an appointment: (818) 677-2033. You can also book online appt. or attend on a walk-in basis.
FINAL PROJECT: Final Research Paper-critical argument essay on a particular young adult novel.
SHORTWRITES: A short write (4-8) is exactly what it sounds like – a short piece of writing. For this class, unless otherwise indicated, out-of-class short writes should be 1-2 pages, 250-500 words, typed, double spaced, stapled (if in hard copy), 12-point font, and will be accepted only on the assigned due date. Short Writes should indicate active engagement with the assigned text rather than summary. You should always be prepared to discuss your short write in class even if you have posted it online in Canvas.
Short writes should follow the conventions of Standard Written English and adhere to MLA style and should have a clear position with logical explanation and support. Missed short writes can not be made up.
Unannounced quizzes on the readings are always a possibility, especially if the readings are not being kept up with by classmembers. Come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings and you will be prepared for all quizzes. Quizzes missed due to absence cannot be made up. No quiz grades will be dropped.
Written responses to oral presentations.
On-line tasks such as listserve assignments on email are to be completed as assigned.
EXTRA CREDIT- online writing responses in Canvas. Teacher Candidates only-presentations of classroom observations.
CLASS PARTICIPATION will also be based on:
1. Since a significant part of this class will be based on active student participation in class discussion, and/or assigned presentations, it is essential that students attend class regularly, ask questions, and offer their impressions, ideas and opinions for classroom dialogue. In order to participate effectively, students must come prepared.
2. You are assessed on how your interact with your peers and me in class discussion, individual presentations, email, forum posts in Canvas, and group work of any kind.
3. Reading Assignments--You are expected to do all conscientiously and in a timely fashion.The reading assignments are to be done by the day due. "I have not been able to purchase my textbook yet" is NOT an acceptible excuse. The library may have copies of our text(s) in the Reserve Room to enable you to access the material freely. You are required to participate in the discussions and you cannot do so if you have not read the assignment. In order to earn full participation credit, students will need to participate every time class meets.
4. Make sure your name, my name, our course & session number, and the date, per MLA format, with 1 inch margins all around, left justified, is on "everything" you turn in.
5. You are responsible for obtaining assignments when you miss class either from accessing them from our course syllabus/Canvas OR asking your classmates for a copy.
6. Do not commit the academic faux paux of emailing me to ask "Did I miss anything?" You are responsible for obtaining assignments when you miss class either from accessing them from our course syllabus page OR from Canvas or asking your classmates for a copy. Obtain the emails of several other students to ask about schedule changes, assignments, & class acitivities