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Fall 2010 Prof L Overman's English 097

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Class Day: be prepared for Homework:Readings done prior to Class Writing Projects

Wk 1: 8/25

Buy books. Start reading Lovely Bones

Introductions, Syllabus, Semester Plan & Furlough Days, Discussion Forum on Moodle, how to Annotate, In class essay strategies, basic MLA format

Handout Provided by Instructor:

Letters from students in New Voices

Due in Class:

  • New Voices: Read & Annotate Letters-Mark/highlight most important points
  • Blue Book Essay-blue books provided by instructor--Diagnostic only!

Wk 2: 9/01

Work on Study Questions #1 LB

Chap. 1-5


Read through entire course syllabus. Bring any part of Syllabus, weekly schedules, Forum (Moodle) w/questions you may have.

Due in Class:

  1. DI (Digging In) Read & Annotate: 1-14, 36, 246
  2. NV (New Voices):"Escape from the Projects" 18. Read & annotate and bring book to class.
  3. Read all links below on Quoting, Paraphrase, Summary!
  4. Grammar presentations will be assigned. Check schedule for days/dates.

Bring Handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Click on Quoting, Paraphrase & Summary.
    Print, read, review "Quoting, Paraphrase & Summary".
    Scroll down to "Paraphrase: Write it In Your Own Words." Print, read, review.
  2. Print, read, review "How to Annotate a Text"

Due outside of and prior to class:

  1. Click on Projects and go to Scavenger hunt . Explore ALL the links and respond. Use MLA Format heading.
  2. Copy & paste questions into your document and write your brief and to the point answers after each question. Double space document and use MLA format.
  3. Go to Forum link above which will take you to Moodle. Scroll down to English then click on Fall 2010. Go to our class and log on.
  4. Please upload a photograph of yourself when updating profile in Moodle!
    NOTE: Moodle only accepts CSUN user ids which are composed only of letters and sometimes numbers (such as dlevin). If you don't know your user ids, you can contact the Help Center at 818-677-1700 or helpdesk@csun.edu.
  5. Due Monday 11:55 p.m. prior to subsequent class each week--you will post your written responses to readings in DI under Assignments folder in Moodle.
    "Not Skin Deep. . ." Straight in DI 36.  1 page—Answer all questions in  "To Understand"  on page 39—approx.1 page. Bring to class
    "Eye of the  Beholder" Suh in DI 246 ---Answer all questions in  "To Understand" on page 250-51—approx. 1 page. Bring to class.
  6. Go to Forum, click on our course, go to Resources and Download "Study Questions (SQ) Set #1 & #2" for Lovely Bones.

Due in class:

  1. Hand in Scavenger Hunt with signature page signed and stapled at the back.
  2. Quiz on LB SQ #1
  3. Possible pop quiz on DI 1-14.
  4. During class Practice annotating Digging In( DI) 1-14.
  5. Bring Everyday Writer (EW) "The Top Twenty" (4-11) What is your most common error? Choose one! Typed one page. MLA format.

Wk 3: 9/08

Read & Annotate LB

Work on Study Questions #2 LB

Chap 6-12

Start writing Essay #1 Rough Draft

Due in Class

  1. EW: Grammar presentation on "missing comma after an introductory element," 5, 326 by Estrada
  2. EW: Grammar presentation on Spelling (including homonyms) 5, 221 by Arellanes
  3. DI: Read & Annotate 199, 148, 159
  4. NV: "The Road to Mecca" 21. Read & Annotate and bring to class.

Bring Handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Print, read, review Essay 1
  2. Making a Quote Sandwich

Due outside of and prior to class:

  • Go to Forum link above which will take you to Moodle. Scroll down to English then click on Fall 2010. Go to our class and log on. Go to News Forum and read instructions on posting your responses to Homework Reading Responses. Then....
  • Due Monday 11:55 p.m.: Under Assignment due for each week you will post your written responses to readings in DI.
    "The Circuit" Jiminez 199. 1 page response to #1 "To Write" 206.
    "Daddy Tucked the Blanket" Williams 148. 1 page response to #1 in "To Write" 152.
    "Oranges" Soto 159. 1 page response to all questions in "To Understand" 161.
  • Always bring printed copies of ALL posted responses to class
  • Go to Forum, click on our course, go to Resources and Download "Study Questions (SQ) Set #3" for Lovely Bones.

Due in class:

  • Pop quiz on Lovely Bones from SQ #2
  • Group work: How do make the best quote sandwich?

Wk 4: 9/15

Read & Annotate LB Chaps. 13-17

Work on Study Questions #3 LB

Start revising Essay #1 Rough Draft

Due in Class

  1. EW: Grammar presentation missing comma in a compound sentence" 9, 327 by Becerra
  2. EW: Grammar presentation unnecessary comma 7, 334 by De La O
  3. Peer Review--First Draft SRR #1 Due
    Note: Instructor will only review rough drafts one-on-one during an appt. you make with her
  4. NV "Fool" 29. Read & annotate. Bring text to class.

Bring Handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Review & print out Peer Critique SRR
  2. Print, Read & Review Symbols Used Marking Papers

Due outside of and prior to class:

  • Extra credit with proof of attendance so schedule an appointment with the writing tutors at the Learning Resource Center. Phone: 818 677-2033
  • Go to Forum, click on our course, go to Resources and Download "Study Questions (SQ) Set #4 " for Lovely Bones.

Due in class:

  1. Pop quiz on Lovely Bones from SQ #3
  2. Bring-SRR #1 rough draft four (4) typed stapled copies bring to class to exchange w/group members. Needs to be 2 FULL pages min.
    At the back of EACH draft attach a copy of Peer Critique SRR Sheet

Due by midnight Thursday 9/16:

  1. Email instructor directly after completing work shopping tell me where you are going from here with your paper. Answer the following?
    How are you going to approach your final draft now?
    Tell me specifically what you are going to do.
    Are you going to work with what you have? How?
    Are you going to rip it up & start over?
    Reflect on your peer group experience. Was it worthwhile?
    Did they tell you what you already knew?
    Was it helpful or not? Why? Any problems?

Wk 5: 9/22

Read & Annotate LB

Chaps. 18-Bones

Work on Study Questions #4

Work on completing final draft of Essay 1


Due in Class

  1. Grammar presentation vague pronoun reference 6, 298 by Quiroz
  2. Grammar presentation unnecessary/missing apostrophe (including its/it's) 9, 341-343 by Planas
  3. Peer Review: 2nd draft SRR #1 -- Revised rough draft
    Note: Instructor will only review rough drafts one-on-one during an appt. you make with her

Bring Handouts from Projects link above:

  1. Print out Peer Critique SRR
  2. Review & Print out Format For Turning in Final Draft of Essay

Due outside of and prior to class:

  • Extra credit with proof of attendance so make certain you have scheduled an appointment with the writing tutors at the Learning Resource Center. Phone: 818 677-2033

Due in Class

  1. Pop Quiz on LB SQ #4
  2. Bring-SRR #1 revised rough draft with four (4) typed stapled copies bring to class to share in group. 2-3 revised pages.
    At the back of each draft attach a copy of Peer Critique Sheet SRR
  3. Study Questions LB #1 typed, stapled

Due by midnight Thursday 9/23:

  1. Email instructor directly after completing work shopping. Discuss
    How this workshop differed from the first one?
    What changed?
    What didn't?
    How will that effect your final draft ?