Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program

Archive - Spring 2014 to Present

The Lost and the Living: One Family's Journey Between the Old and New Worlds

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:45pm

Lisa Lainer-Faigan family

Los Angeles native Lisa Lainer-Fagan presents her extraordinary research and the family trip to Lithuania designed to discover the fate of her great-uncles and aunts who disappeared during the Holocaust.  This slide-lecture will feature photographs of the many clues they followed in learning the truth – actual letters, survivor testimony, historical photos, government documents, maps – and the actual sites in Lithuania that they visited. Read more

Saving Nur

Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 10:00am to 11:30am

Saving Nur

This 2016 documentary gives a unique perspective on the Palestinians of Gaza and the Israelis who help them. Nine-year-old Nur, a Palestinian girl afflicted with a rare genetic disease, must leave her home in the Gaza Strip to get medical help.  She needs a new liver, and her mother wants to donate hers in order to save Nur’s life. Read more
