Central American Studies

Father Alejandro Solalinde

Monday, April 29, 2013 - 11:00am to 12:30pm

USU Northridge Center

Human Rights Series presents Father Alejandro Solalinde, 2012 Mexican human rights awardee and  founder and director of the shelter, "Hermanos en el Camino" (Brothers on the Road) at Ixtepec, Oaxaca, México.

Padre Solalinde flyer

The shelter is located at Ixtepec, one of the poorest areas of México where the incidence of illiteracy, extreme poverty, marginalization, and unemployment are the highest in the country.  Ixtepec is one of the routes chosen by migrants from Central America.

Co-sponsored by the College of Humanities Academic Fund, Religious Studies Department, Chicano Studies Department, the Central American Research and Policy Institute (CARPI), Civil Discourse and Social Change, the Central American United Student Association (CAUSA), and CARECEN.