Thursday’s Notes 55.8

Announcements CSUNposium (The 28th Annual Research and Creative Works Symposium) is now for submissions. The conference is a campus-wide opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their work through…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.8

Thursday’s Notes 55.7

Announcements The Fall 2023 English Department student writing award winners will be announced in 319 Jerome Richfield Hall at noon on Dec. 8, 2023 (Friday), and the Department Holiday Party…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.7

Thursday’s Notes 55.6

 Announcements If you plan to take any time off next week and cancel classes for the holiday, please notify Vanessa Mendoza and Kathy Draper as soon as possible in the…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.6

Thursday’s Notes 55.5

Announcements Beth Wightman has taken medical leave for the remainder of the semester, and Tim Black (Philosophy) will step in as the acting department chair. He was the chair of…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.5

Thursday’s Notes 55.4

Announcements Fall is here, and with it comes the call for nominations of student work for several awards given by the English Department. A description of the various awards and…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.4

Thursday’s Notes 55.3

Announcements "Remnants of Resistance" is a podcast uncovering hidden tales from queer history in CSUN's Special Collections and Archives, and it will record its final episode (for now) on Oct.…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.3

Thursday’s Notes 55.2

Announcements Mark your calendars for the New Student Convocation, coming up on October 4.  it's always a lovely event where we get to welcome our new students and make them…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes 55.2

Thursday’s Notes Volume 55.1

Announcements Welcome to the Fall 2023 semester!   I hope you and your students had a restful, rejuvenating break and that your classes have all started off with the enthusiasm and…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes Volume 55.1

Thursday’s Notes, 54.8

Announcements We are in the home stretch of the spring semester! Please consider attending one or more of the celebratory events for our students and faculty.  Friday, May 12: Department…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes, 54.8

Thursday’s Notes, 54.7

Announcements Seeking Submissions - Northridge Review The Northridge Review invites all undergraduate & graduate students, in all English Department majors & minors, to submit their writing or art for publication consideration. Deadline: this Friday, April…

Continue Reading Thursday’s Notes, 54.7