Volume 39:14

1. Announcements We begin this issue of the Thursday's Notes with the most spectacular news that our very own Cheryl Spector has received  the Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award from the National…

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Volume 39:13

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1. Announcements It is with deep sadness that I share the news our former colleague, Lawrence Stewart, passed away on Friday morning, March 8, 2013. In an email from his former…

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Volume 39: 12

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1. Announcements Don't miss the upcoming conference of our very own Associate Graduate Students of English, which will take place on Saturday, March 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in…

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Volume 39:11

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1. Announcements Happy news! Announcing the arrival of the latest member of our academic family: Sabrina Lucia, born to Lisa Riccomini Clancy and Garrett Clancy on Friday, February 1. Weighing…

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Volume 39:10

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1. Announcements Are you looking for funds for your research or creative work? Would you like funds for travel, collaborators, and stipends for your students? Are you interested in starting a…

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Volume 39:9

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1. Announcements Here's hoping everyone had a fabulous holiday, New Year, and break--restful, productive, and with at least a little bit of fun. Here we are again, though, and doesn't…

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