CSUNposium (The 28th Annual Research and Creative Works Symposium) is now for submissions. The conference is a campus-wide opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present their work through panels and poster presentations. It helps build confidence and oral presentation skills while building up a resume/CV. It is a valuable learning opportunity. Interested students can click here to go to the CSUNposium website for more information. Faculty who would like to be judges can click here to find the Judges Information Form.
The English Department Holiday Party and Awards Ceremony starts at noon on Dec. 8, 2023 in 319 Jerome Richfield. The winners of this year’s awards are: Brenda Gutierrez, The Linda Nichols Joseph English Merit Scholarship; Natalie Grill and Brenda Gutierrez, The Oliver W. Evans Writing Prize; Morgan Darian, The Eva Latif Writing Prize in Children’s Literature; Jennifer Sams, The Peterson Morley Award; and Sarin Parsahkian, The Thomas Matthew Magness Graduate Memorial Award. Congratulations to all!
Irene Clark‘s article titled “Where Have You Been? Where are you Going? Reconsidering Literacy Narratives in the Context of Neuroscience Research” has been accepted for publication in WPA: Writing Program Administration. Publication is expected in the spring.