• 39th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference - March 18 - 22,2024 at the Anaheim Marriott

    The Premier AT Conference

38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded

July 2022


Over 30 years ago, on July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure equal rights and opportunities for individuals with disabilities.  Since then, the ADA has had many accomplishments, advanced rights and improved access to education, employment, and within the community.  As we commemorate this anniversary, the work is not done, and we look ahead to identify the accomplishments yet to come.  The CSUN Conference is committed to fighting for disability civil rights and an accessible world.


Bring attention to your scientific research and get it published!  The CSUN AT Conference Journal Call for Papers opens on Tuesday, August 18.  Learn more about the Journal Call for Papers, timelines, and information about how to prepare your submission.  Accepted papers are published annually in the open-access award-winning Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities.

Want to present but not in the Journal Track?  While the Journal Call for Papers provides a unique platform for the research and development community, our General Call for Presentations offers opportunities to present new concepts in the general disability domain that covers various topics.  Also, our Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals is a great way to showcase your knowledge as a leader.  Led by you, workshops provide attendees with professional development through in-depth training and useful skill-building tools.

Get ahead by prepping your submissions now.


Level up and be recognized as an industry leader dedicated to an inclusive world for all.  There are many unique and customizable opportunities to fit your desired level of participation, from sponsorship and exhibitor packages to marketing and advertising possibilities.  Join the growing list of 2023 CSUN AT Conference Exhibitors.

Visit our Opportunities Page to learn more and establish your prominence in the disability community.