38th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
What’s New on APH’s Road to Code
- Date & Time
Friday, March 17, 2023 - 10:20 AM PST
- Location
Grand AB
- Description
Today’s students are starting to learn computer coding concepts as early as pre-school. With the ubiquitous availability of mobile devices and tablets, tools for younger students to begin playing with coding concepts have become easier to acquire. Whether a student downloads a mobile app, accesses a web coding game, or participates in an online simulation, there are options available for any level of coding.
However, for students who are blind or have low vision, such coding tools are less available. Often the apps used by their sighted classmates are inaccessible or concepts are challenging to understand.
This session will discuss new features, including the CJ Puzzles and coding module. It will also demonstrate how APH has made coding tools accessible. We will also discuss careers in technology and the importance of teaching coding concepts from an early age.
Over the past several years, the American Printing House for The Blind (APH) has been developing a roadmap of accessible coding tools meant to mirror the tools used by sighted students. If the tools used by the rest of the class could not be made accessible, APH has also created complementary tools which often use physical objects to solidify coding concepts for the student with visual impairments. From accessible apps to physical engineering and robotics kits, APH’s goal is to provide tools to enable students of all ages with visual impairments to obtain necessary coding skills alongside their sighted classmate
- Audience
- Disability Specific
- K-12 Education
- Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- Research & Development
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
Get ready to choose your own adventure with your fellow participants in this interactive presentation with CJ Puzzles. Explore the new sights along APH’s Road to Code with the CJ Coding module and learn about exciting careers in technology.
- Primary Topic
Blind/Low Vision
- Secondary Topics
- Digital Accessibility
- Education
- Emerging Technologies
- Mobile Technology
- Session Type
General Track
- Katrina Best
American Printing House
- Heather Kennedy-MacKenzie
American Printing House
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