University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Gilbane to Break Ground on CSUN Associated Students Sustainability Center

Community representatives, students, faculty, staff and University officials were in attendance to celebrate the official groundbreaking for the California State University, Northridge, Associated Students Sustainability Center on Monday, September 19, 2016. The new facility will consist of a one-story 3,000 SF administrative building, and 5,000 SF covered yard building. Gilbane will serve as the Construction Manager at-Risk for the new center, which will be located north of the University Student Union’s Plaza del Sol, and will feature a seminar room, administrative offices, restrooms, and courtyard. Additionally, the covered yard building, servicing the University’s Associated Student’s recycling program, will house equipment for collection, shipment, sorting, and bundling of recyclable materials. The Center will also house the CSUN Institute for Sustainability. -- Seattle Post Intelligencer - W A

Graduate college in 4 years? CSU officials set new goals to make that happen

Trustees also endorsed graduation rate improvements for individual campuses: • At Cal State Dominguez Hills, where 6 percent of 2011 freshmen graduated in four years, trustees set the 2025 target at 31 percent. • Cal State Fullerton’s target is to improve four-year graduation rates from 22 percent to 44 percent. • Cal State Long Beach’s commitment to improve from 16 percent to 39 percent. •Cal State Los Angeles’ goal is to improve from 6 percent to 30 percent. •Cal State Northridge’s goal is to improve from 13 to 30 percent. •Cal Poly Pomona’s goal is to improve from 18 percent to 38 percent. • Cal State San Bernardino’s objective is to from 12 percent to 30 percent. -- Daily Breeze

Gilbane to Break Ground on CSUN Associated Students Sustainability Center

Community representatives, students, faculty, staff and University officials were in attendance to celebrate the official groundbreaking for the California State University, Northridge, Associated Students Sustainability Center on Monday, September 19, 2016. The new facility will consist of a one-story 3,000 SF administrative building, and 5,000 SF covered yard building. Gilbane will serve as the Construction Manager at-Risk for the new center, which will be located north of the University Student Union’s Plaza del Sol, and will feature a seminar room, administrative offices, restrooms, and courtyard. Additionally, the covered yard building, servicing the University’s Associated Student’s recycling program, will house equipment for collection, shipment, sorting, and bundling of recyclable materials. The Center will also house the CSUN Institute for Sustainability. -- PR web

LGBT UNITED, a Social Impact Documentary by CSUN Psychology Professor/Filmmaker Luciana Lagana, Wins Best Political Statement Movie Award at AOF Film Festival

This film is currently being tested for its anti-bias value at California State University, Northridge. It won several awards on the film festival circuit, including a diversity award at the Long Beach Indie Film Festival 2016, the California Endowment Special Sons and Brothers Award for positive and balanced depictions of young men of color. -- PR Web

We filled 90 years

Este trabajo periodístico de importancia histórica lo cumplen los estudiantes de periodismo en español de la Universidad Estatal de California en Northridge (CSUN) y la profesora Jéssica Retis. -- La Opinión (in Spanish)

Los Angeles: Los Angeles Bach Festival Guitar Concert

Matt Peters found the classical guitar in late 2004 at the age of 18, as he was enrolling in California State University Northridge (CSUN). Matt played electric guitar in progressive and aggressive rock bands throughout High school and gave electric guitar lessons, which he still does today. While he flirted beforehand with a guitar construction career and then a Jazz major, it was only after discovering Bach he decided to begin University studies and transform himself into a classical guitarist in 2004. Although such a late start might not seem ideal, for Matt it was. He was able to devote to himself to the instrument with the immediate understanding of an already accomplished guitarist and the commitment only found in those with professional aspirations. He studied under Steve Thachuk, with excellent results. He received several scholarships and awards during his Bachelors Degree, including the Randy Rhoads scholarship, and participated in the CSUN Honors Guitar Quartet. He studied under Hubert Käppel at the Koblenz Internation Guitar Academy, receiving high marks in his final exam, before completing a Masters degree under Gerhard Reichenbach at the Musikhochschule für Musik und Tanz Kiln. He concertizes and teaches actively in Europe and the United States. His full bio can be found on the LABF website: -- Best Events

Santa Monica: Printmaking Lab with Zeina Baltagi

Upon graduation from California State University, Northridge with a B.A. in printmaking in 2013, Zeina Baltagi co-founded the Valley Print Studio with fellow artist Miles Lewis in Woodland Hills. She currently teaches classes at LA Music and Art School, in East L.A. Baltagi recently exhibited work in ‘Biomythography’ curated by Jessica Wimbley and Chris Christian at Claremont Graduate University. In September 2015, she exhibited in the second installment of ‘Biomythography’ at California Lutheran University, and co-curated with A. Laura Brody, ‘Opulent Mobility (re-imagining mobility)’, at California State University, Northridge. See her work at and -- Best Events
