University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Feb. 25: Celebrities Celebrate CHIME Institute’s Success

Celebrities from all walks of stardom — including Golden Globe-winning actor Colin Farrell and singer Ruby Friedman — will gather on Saturday, Feb. 25, to celebrate the CHIME Institute’s continued success as a national model for inclusive education. -- SCV News

Charter school parents advocate for their place in LA’s public education landscape

A student who graduated from College Bridge Academy in Compton and now attends Cal State Northridge spoke at the news conference ahead of the NAACP hearing. She said she lived with her grandparents because her father was in jail and her mother was addicted to drugs. At College Bridge Academy she raised her GPA to a 3.5. She credited her success to her teachers and principal. -- LA School Report

Should students record their teachers?

Nate Thomas, a film professor and president of the faculty union at Cal State Northridge, doesn't want distractions or the privacy of anyone in the classroom invaded. -- Orange County Register

CSUN's Daniela Gerson: The Week in Immigration Coverage: Visualizing Migration and Providing Context

This American Life transported listeners to a refugee camp in Kenya where a meeting was taking place explaining to Somali refugees who were on the brink of moving to the United States – many of whom had waited decades, sold all their belongings and gone into debt – that they may now be denied entry. The Washington Post’s Kevin Sieff captures the voice of the local aid worker explaining “this is a bitter pill and we can’t do anything about it.” It conveys in a few words the magnitude of the travel ban’s human drama. --Seriously Media

CSUN Center Helping Children with Disabilities

Marina Forain admits she can get emotional when she thinks about the progress her 6-year-old daughter Isabella has made in the two years she has taken part in the children’s programs at California State University, Northridge’s Center of Achievement Through Adapted Physical Activity. -- SCV News

Suit drive hopes to help inmates present "best self" in second chance

Psychology research in recent years has shown that clothes do, in fact, make the man. As reported by The Atlantic, a recent study looked specifically at how formal attire can change people. “Putting on formal clothes makes us feel powerful, and that changes the basic way we see the world,” says Abraham Rutchick, an author of the study and a professor of psychology at California State University, Northridge. -- FOX 5 NY

Endorsement Recommended: Both new and familiar faces for the L.A. Community College District

Seat 6: We endorse challenger Gabriel Buelna, an ethnic studies teacher at Cal State Northridge and executive director of Plaza Community Services in East L.A. The incumbent, Nancy Pearlman, has in her 16 years as a trustee been a gadfly, persistently challenging the board and district administrators. While important, that’s too limited a role, and Pearlman has few significant policies to show for her time there. Buelna not only has experience with the district’s graduates entering Northridge, but he has a ground-level view through Plaza Community Services of the challenges many LACCD students face.. -- LA Times
