University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Opinion: L.A. is already trying to reduce the effect of its 'urban heat island'

One is the L.A. Urban Cooling Research Partnership, which seeks to quantify the public health benefits of using increased tree canopy cover to cool cities. The partnership includes TreePeople, Climate Resolve, Global Cool Cities Alliance and scientists from UCLA, Yale, the University of Miami and Cal State Northridge. -- Los Angeles Times

Can California students record a teacher?

Nate Thomas, a film professor and president of the faculty union at Cal State Northridge, doesn’t want distractions or the privacy of anyone in the classroom invaded. -- Lake County Record-Bee

Can electric fields speed wound healing for diabetics?

Collaborators include researchers at Zhejiang University, the University of Minho, and California State University-Northridge. The National Institutes of Health and Research to Prevent Blindness Inc. supported the project. -- Knowledge Science Report

Stars Align to Celebrate CHIME

Celebrities from all walks of stardom — including Golden Globe-winning actor Colin Farrell and singer Ruby Friedman — will gather on Saturday, Feb. 25, to celebrate the CHIME Institute’s continued success as a national model for inclusive education. --

CSUN Named a Top 25 Rising Star for Scientific Research

When California State University, Northridge formalized research as one of the university’s seven priorities in 2012, even the most optimistic member of the campus community could hardly have imagined the impact. In 2016, the journal Nature named CSUN a Top 25 Rising Star for scientific research, along with Stanford, Carnegie Mellon and NASA. -- SCV News
