(Gochberg, pp. 384-402)

-escapist (turn his psychological back on modern troubles)
-self-protective (avoid trouble of writing of today and possibly offending politicians [especially Young Caesar])

Rome is top nation (chauvinistic).
-As top nation Rome deserves to have its myths and have them respected: this extends in fact to Rome's
    gods and political heroes. Julius Caesar had been named a god of the Roman state pantheon
    as of January 1, 42 B.C. The young Caesar (Augustus) became the living god of Egypt on the
    death of Cleopatra in August of 30 B.C., and was invited to accept the status of Greek (divine)
    hero in several cities in Greek Asia Minor (Turkey).

-The object of politics is holding public office.
-One holds public office in order to get a major military command.
-One wants a military command for money and glory.
-Glory leads to a distinguished reputation (FAMA)
-A reputation and money get one (or one's friends and family members) elected to political office.<br>

-The historian glorifies a family or families, thereby increasing their reputation with the voters
      (or at least the aristocratic manipulators of the voters). The problem of dealing with Romulus
      and Remus is the problem of dealing with their descendants Julius Caesar and Augustus.
      The problem of dealing with the Brutus who expelled the kings brings up the problem of the Brutus
      who murdered Caesar (March 15, 44 B.C.) and opposed Augustus in a civil war (Philippi, 42 B.C.) etc.

-Current troubles come from avarice and luxury. They have caused the recently ended
       (or is it ended?) Civil War between Young Caesar (Augustus) and Antony-and-Cleopatra.
-Study of ancient history provides examples to be imitated and situations to be avoided.
-Primitive simplicity and modesty are to be preferred to greed.

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June 14, 2009 4:07 PM

John Paul Adams, CSUN

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