Longitudinal Investigations
Objectives: To develop longitudinal investigations in growth and development that engage students in scientific research.
Use this template when making the wiki page.
Project: Your experiment should include the following components.
- Title - Simple title discussing the basic nature of the experiment
- Author(s) - link your names to your websites
- Question - Clear statement of the question (chapter 23)
- Standards - list the California science content standards addressed
- Experimental Design
(chapters 22 & 23)
- Independent variable
- Dependent variables
- Series
- Controls
- Materials
- Procedures - give a clear and concise description of the protocol
- Sample data and graphs
- Photographs of experimental setup
- References - provide links to websites; use APA style for bibliography
Suggested topics | Equipment
- Seed germination
- Fermentation
- Microbial lava lamp – see Dr. Paul Tomasek
- Bottle biology
- Decomposition – Decomposition column
- Etiolation
- Plant growth and development
- Environmental factors on growth
- Bacterial growth
- Antibiotics – effect of Penicillin, kanamycin, ampicillin
- Culturing pond water
- Factors affecting the growth and development of Collembola - Dr. Coyle-Thompson
- Terrarium
- Fast Plants - plant life cycle
- Mealworm metamorphosis – effect of temperature