Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science



The website should include a variety of appropriate internal links (links to other pages in your website; use relative links), external links (absolute links), and links to anchors on your page. To find resources, used advanced search features.

Making a link: Highlight the text for a link and then click on the link tool to create a link. Most of the time you will want to simply paste in the link of a URL to establish a link.

Local link: All of your own files should be linked simply by giving the relative path (not the complete URL). For example, to link to a file called Yosemite.html in your documents folder, simply type in documents/Yosemite.html in your URL box.

External link: For external links (those outside of your account), you will need to give a complete URL. For example, if you want to reference the NASA web site, enter the URL:

Links to Anchors: Often you will want to link to other sections on the same page, or to specific portions of another page. First insert an anchor at the point that you want to link. Give the anchor a logical name. All links to anchors begin with a pound sign. For example, to link to a section on your page that talks about Half Dome, you would have a link that reads #HalfDome. To access this portion of the page from another page, it is necessary to give the appropriate path. For example: documents/Yosemite#HalfDome (relative, internal link) or Yosemite#HalfDome (external, absolute link)

email link: To establish an email link, your link should read: mailto:userName@host (e.g. A single link may be used for an entire mail group. For example, mailto:,, will send mail to three individuals simultaneously.

Links that open new browser: On occassion you may wish to have a link open an entirely new browser. To do so, enter target="main". into your html editor at the appropriate section. Compare the following two links, and then examine the html using the view/show html command in FrontPage:

(1) This CSUN opens a new browser and then goes to the page.
<p><a href="" target="main">CSUN</a><br>
(2) This CSUN link goes to a new page using the current browser.
<p><a href="">CSUN</a><br>