Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

Task 4.  Assessing Student Learning

Adapted from: PACT Handbook - Science Teaching Event Candidate Handbook 2008-2009; Performance Assessment for California Teachers

The Assessment of Student Learning task illustrates how you diagnose student learning needs through your analysis of student work samples.  It provides evidence of your ability to 1) select an assessment tool and criteria that are aligned with your central focus/big idea, student standards, and learning objectives; 2) analyze student performance on an assessment in relation to student needs and the identified learning objectives; 3) provide feedback to students; and 4) use the analysis to identify next steps in instruction for the whole class and individual students.

Overview of Task

  1. Summarize and analyze meaningful patterns in whole class performance on a selected student assessment from the learning segment.  The assessment should be the work of individuals, not groups.
  2. Demonstrate a variety of student performances for the assessment using three student work samples, including any feedback you wrote directly on the work.
  3. Analyze the performance of two individual students and diagnose individual learning needs.

What Do I Need to Do?

(1) Provide a copy of the directions/prompt for the assessment, if these are not apparent from the student work samples.

(2) Collect student work from your entire class.  Analyze the student work to identify patterns in understanding across the class.

(3) Provide any evaluative criteria (or rubric) that you used to assess the student work.  Evaluative criteria are performance indicators that you use to assess student learning.

(4) Select three student work samples which together represent what students generally understood and what a number of students were still struggling to understand.  At least one of these students should be an English Learner.  If multiple drafts of the assessment were collected, you may include all drafts as the work sample.

(5) Label these work samples as “Work Sample 1”, “Work Sample 2”, and “Work Sample 3”.  Be sure that reviewers can distinguish any written feedback to students from the students’ written work.

(6) Document your feedback to these three students, either as individuals or as part of a larger group.  If it is not written directly on the work sample, provide a copy of any written feedback or write a summary of oral feedback.

Respond to each of the prompts in the Assessment Commentary.

* If you do not have any English Learners, select a student who is challenged by academic English.  Examples may include students who speak varieties of English or special needs learners with receptive or expressive language difficulties.