Guide to Images of Cædmon's Hymn

Source: Old English Verse Texts from Many Sources: A Comprehensive Collection, eds. Fred. C. Robinson and E.G. Stanley, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, vol 23 (Cophenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1991).

CÆDMON’S HYMN. Dobbie, pp. xciv-c, 105-6, 198-9.

A. Northumbrian. All within Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica.

2.1. Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Kk. 5. 16, ‘Moore MS’, fol. 128v.
Dobbie (1937), pp. 11-16, Ker, no. 25, ‘s. VIII1’, ‘on the last, originally blank page ... MS. in Anglo-Saxon miniscule’. Cf. P. Hunter Blair, EEMF 9 (1959) for a facsimile of the entire manuscript.

2.2. Dijon, Bibliothèque Publique, 575, fol. 59v col. 2. Dobbie (1937), pp. 17-19, Ker, app. no. 8, ‘written in s. xii, probably at Cîteaux, Cædmon’s Hymn in OE is written as part of the text of the Historia ecclesiastica’. Above modgedanc, between e and d, is a very light s, perhaps for saxonice.

2.3. Leningrad, M.E. Saltykov-Schedrin Public Libr., lat. Q v. I. 18, fol. 107r. Dobbie (1937), pp. 16-17, Ker, no. 122, ‘s. VIII’, ‘added in three lines in the lower margin of f. 107 ... (MS. in pointed Anglo-Saxon miniscules, s. viii med.)’. O. Arngart, EEMF 2 (1952) provides a facsimile edition.

2.4. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, lat. 5237, fol. 72v. Dobbie (1937), pp. 18-22: ‘Wuest [P. Wuest, ‘Zwei neue Handschriften von Caedmons Hymnus’, Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum 48 (1906), 205-26] concludes ... that the text of Bede ... came from Cologne or its vicinity and was written ... say 1430 or a few years earlier’.

B. West-Saxon.

a. In the ‘Alfredian’ translation of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica.

2.5. Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Kk. 3. 18, fol. 72v. Dobbie (1937), pp. 27-8, Ker, no. 23, ‘s. XI2’, ‘written at Worcester’.

2.6. Cambridge, Corpus Christi Coll. 41, p. 322. Dobbie (1937), p. 28, Ker, no. 32, ‘s. XI1’, ‘given to Exeter by Bishop Leofric (d. 1072)’.

2.7.1-2. London, Brit. Libr., Add. 43703, fol. 146r-v. Lawrence Nowell’s transcript, made in 1562, of the now lost Cot. Otho B. xi. Dobbie (1937), pp. 24-5.

2.8. Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Tanner 10, p. 195 (= fol. 100r). Dobbie (1937), pp. 23-4, Ker, no. 351, ‘s. X1’, ‘at Thorney in the fourteenth century’. Manuscript leaf somewhat stained. A complete facsimile edition by Janet Bately for EEMF is forthcoming.

2.9. Oxford, Corpus Christi Coll. 279 pt. ii, fol. 112v. Dobbie (1937), pp. 25-7, Ker, no. 354, ‘s. XI in’.

[London, Brit. Libr., Cotton Otho B.  xi, severely damaged in the Ashburnham House fire, 1731; for Nowell’s transcript, see items no. 2.7.1-2. Dobbie (1937), pp. 24-5, Ker no. 180, ‘s. x med.’, ‘written at Winchester. Belonged in s. xiii to the Augustinian priory at Southwick, Hants.’.]

b. In texts of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica.

2.10.1.-2. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale 8245-57, Bede, Historia ecclesiastica fragments, fol. 62r-v. Bertram Colgrave and R.A.B. Mynors, edd., Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People (1969), pp. lxv-lxvi, ‘signed and dated 15 Dec. 1489 by Anthony of Bergen-op-Zoom, a scribe ... the volume contains a collection of historical works ... from Korssendonk near Turnhout.’ Humphreys and Ross (1975), p. 53.

2.11. Cambridge, Trinity Coll. R. 5. 22 (717), fol. 32v col. 1, in place of Latin translation. M.R. James, The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, A Descriptive Catalogue I (1901), 189-92, ‘Cent. xiv’. Dobbie (1937), pp. 38-9. Cf. under Bede’s Death Song, 3.18 below. The capital I and Roman numeral XXII are rubricated.

2.12. Hereford, Cathedral P. 5. i, fol. 116v outer margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 41-2. Ker, no. 121, ‘s. XII1’: ‘belonged at the time of the Dissolution of monasteries to the cell of Battle Abbey at Brecon, and appears to have been previously at Battle itself’.

2.13. London, College of Arms, s.n. Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica, fol. [84v]. Humphreys and Ross (1975), p. 53. N.R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, 2nd edn. (London, 1964), p. 51, ‘s. xii’, ‘Chichester Cathedral’.

2.14. Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Bodley 163, fol. 152v outer margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 38-9 collated. Ker, no. 304, ‘s. XI med.’, ‘an addition’; ‘an attempt was made to erase it and it was further damaged by a binder’; ‘the manuscript appears to have been at Peterborough by s. xii in.’

2.15. Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Hatton 43, fol. 129r lower margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 38-9. Ker, no. 326, ‘s. XI2’. Old English in lighter ink.

2.16. Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Laud Misc. 243, fol. 82v outer margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 40-1. Ker, no. 341, ‘s. XII1’.

2.17. Oxford, Lincoln Coll., lat. 31, fol. 83r margin at foot of page. Dobbie (1937), pp. 37-9. Ker, no. 356, ‘s. xii med.’

2.18. Oxford, Magdalen Coll., lat. 105, fol. 99r outer margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 37-9. Ker, no. 357, ‘s. XII med.’

2.19. San Marino, Huntington Libr. HM 35300, fol. 82r. Humphreys and Ross (1975), p. 53. C.W. Dutschke et al., Guide to Medieval Manuscripts in the Huntington Library (San Marino, Calif., 1989), pp. 705-7: ‘s. XVmed’.

2.20. [Tournai, Bibliothèque Municipale 134. We reproduce the reduced facsimile in P. Faider and P. van Sint Jan, Catalogue des manuscrits conservés à Tournai, Catalogue Général des Manuscrits des Bibliothèques de Belgique VI (1950), 149, ‘XIIe/XIIIe s.’; pl. IV (facing p. 150); p. 3 ‘destroyed 17 May 1940’. Ker, no. 387, ‘in the margin of f. 78v of a twelfth-century copy of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica ... The OE is either in an English hand or has been carefully copied from an English exemplar ... not impossibly in the same hand as the Latin.’ The original dimensions are not known.]

2.21. Winchester, Cathedral I, fol. 81r outer margin. Dobbie (1937), pp. 38-9. Ker, no. 396, ‘s. XI med.’


  1. Dobbie = The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records: A Collective Edition, Volume 6: Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, edited by George Philip Krapp and Elliott Van Dobbie (New York: Columbia University Press, 1931-1953).
  2. Ker - N. R. Ker, Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford: Clarendon, 1957; rpt. 1990 with supplement originally published in Anglo-Saxon England 5 [1977]).
  3. Humphreys and Ross (1975) = K.W. Humphreys and Alan S.C. Ross ‘Further Manuscripts of Bede’s “Historia Ecclesiastica”, of the “Epistola Cuthberti de Obitu Bedae”, and Further Anglo-Saxon Texts of “Cædmon’s Hymn” and “Bede’s Death Song”’, Notes and Queries 220 (1975), 50-5.