HyperNews Is Good News

Myth, Religion, and Culture--Spring 2007

HyperNews provides a bulletin-board forum in which participants can have a tag-team dialogue on important issues. Click one of the following links and you can begin the interaction. Add your message. Post your comments. Unleash your wit. Simply enter your email address and name, scroll down and enter your message, preview, post, and, voila, you are in the public eye. It is a good idea to write your message first in a word-processing format, copy, and then paste it into the HyperNews forum message box. That way you will have a backup copy in case something happens to your message between the preview and posting steps. Just try it. It is much easier than it sounds.

Once the forums are underway, you may want to respond to a particular student's message. You can do that by clicking on that particular message and then clicking "add message" and responding in an appropriate fashion. Generally, you will want to respond to the general forum first, however, and then pick your individual responses. Otherwise, everything is pretty self explanatory, right?

Shall we begin? Start by clicking in a box bellow.

Checking In
"The DaVinci Code"
The Hero and Heroic Ideals

The Mid-Term in Four Parts
Religion and Pop Culture
Don't Know Much
Methods and Madness
Enviromental Scan Exercise

Choose one of the following Cinematic Field Trips. If you want you may choose more than one, but only if you are well on top of your paper.
The Supernatural and Horrific

Psyche and Cinema