Julio-Claudian Additions

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (FERIAE) instituted from 45 B.C.:

45 B.C. March 17 commemorating the victory of Caesar at Munda (45)
45 March 27 commemorating the victory of Caesar at Alexandria (47)
45 April 6 commemorating the victory of Caesar at Thapsus (46)
45 August 2 commemorating the victory of Caesar in Spain and in Pontus (47)
45 August 9 commemorating the victory of Caesar at Pharsalus (49)
42 July 12 the birthday of Julius Caesar (now Divus Iulius)
36 September 3 commemorating the Sicilian Victory of Augustus (Naulochus)
30 September 2 commemorating the victory of Augustus at Actium (31)
30 September 23 the birthday of Augustus (September 23, 63)
30 August 1 commemorating the capture of Alexandria by Augustus
29 August 28 Dedication of the Altar of Victory in the Senate Chamber in Rome
19 May 12 Dedication of the Shrine of Mars Ultor on the Capitol
19 October 12 commemorating the return of Augustus from the overseas provinces
13 July 4 commemorating the placing of the cornerstone of the Ara Pacis Augustae
12 March 6 commemorating the election of Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
12 April 28 Dedication of the Signum Vestae and the Altar of Vesta in Augustus' house
9 January 30 Dedication of the Ara Pacis Augustae
2 January 29 [ — ? — ]
2 February 5 commemorating the naming of Augustus as Pater Patriae
4 A.D. June 26 commemorating the adoption of Tiberius by Augustus [maybe after 14 A.D.]
7 August 10 Placing of the cornerstone of the Altar of Ceres the Mother and of the Altar of Ops Augusti
10 January 16 Dedication of the Temple of Concordia Augusta
14 September 17 decree of divine honors for Augustus
after 14 January 17 Dedication of the Altar of Divus Augustus
15 March 10 commemorating the election of Tiberius as Pontifex Maximus
16 September 13 revelation of the conspiracy of Libo Drusus
17 May 26 Triumph of Germanicus Caesar
20 May 28 Triumph of Drusus, son of Tiberius
? August 5/6 [ — ? — ] (under Tiberius)
? 37 August 31 Birthday of Caius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligula)

Inscriptiones Italiae XIII. 1

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