Clement VI was one of the greatest of papal nepotists (Souchon, 52). In 1342 he created eleven cardinals, including his brother Hughes Roger, OSB; his cousins Aymeric de Chalus, Gerard de la Garde, OP, and Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille; his nephews Bernard de la Tour, Guillaume de la Jugié, and Nicholas de Besse; and his cousin (or nephew) Adhemar Robert. To these relatives were added his nephew Pierre Roger de Beaufort (1348), his cousin Pierre de Cros (1350), and his nephew Raymond de Canilhac (1350). As the "First Life of Clement VI" (Baluzius I, column 265) puts it, "Suos enim fratres, nepotes, consanguineos, propinquos, compatriotas et servitores valde dilexit. Plurimos namque ex eis qui tempore suae promotionis erant in statu ecclesiastico, aut demum esse voluerunt, in altis et magnis praelaturis et dignitatibus sublimavit, multos vero inferioribus beneficiis fere ubique terrarum existentibus collocavit." The next Conclave would truly be a family affair.
A manuscript in the Vatican Library, cited by Theiner (Baronius-Theiner, sub anno 1352, no. 21; p. 537) states: Pauco tempore languens insperate, obiit Decembris die VI, anno Domini MCCCLII, Pontificatus sui anno XI, in Palatio Apostolico Avinionensi. According to one of the lives, he was percussus apostemate in dorso ("Fifth Life of Clement VI", Baluzius I, column 318). It is possible that this abscess, and the fever that accompanied the Pope in his last seven days, was evidence of a tumor, perhaps cancer (Déprez, 235 n. 1); Clement had been suffering the complaint for some time. Clement VI died on December 6, 1352, the Feast of St. Nicholas.
On the next day a funeral service was held in the Chapel of the Papal Palace, with the Patriarch of Alexandria, Jean de Cardailhac, preaching a sermon (Baluzius I, 909): A die VII mensis decembris qua die felicis recordationis Clemens VI fuit traditus ecclesiastic(a)e sepultur(a)e (Déprez, 236 n. 1). The body was then moved to the Cathedral of Notre-Dame des Domps, where the public novendiales took place. The Papal Almoner, Pierre de Froideville, distributed 400 livres among the poor. There were other large donations to each of the houses of monks and nuns in Avignon. Each day, according to the Will of Clement VI, fifty priests celebrated a mass for the repose of his soul.
He was buried in the Cathedral at Avignon, where he remained for three months, but his remains were later transferred to his monastery of Casa-Dei (Chaise-Dieu, in the Auvergne). Five Cardinals, all relatives of the deceased Pope, escorted the cortege: Hugues Roger, Guillaume de la Jugié, Nicolas de Besse, Pierre Roger de Beaufort, and Guillaume d' Aigrefeuille.
Eubel Hierarchia Catholica I second edition, p. 19 note 3. Baumgarten, "Miscellanea Cameralia II," pp. 38-39. During his pontificate Clement VI (Pierre Roger) had appointed twenty-seven cardinals, in three creations. Seven of them had died during his reign. Of the eighteen who had participated in his election in 1334 (and one who had not), eleven had died (besides himself), leaving six. One of these, Cardinal Audemar Roberti of S. Anastasia, had died only six days before the Pope, on December 1, 1352. The number of cardinals eligible to participate in the Conclave of 1352, therefore, was twenty-seven. For a list of all the cardinals from 1294-1378, see Souchon, 163-184: "Beilage I: S.R.E. Cardinales...").
Clement VI had appointed only two Dominicans; Gerard de Daumaria (1342-1343), and Joannes 'de Molendinis' (1350-1353). He had named three Benedictines: Hughes Roger (1342-1363), Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille (1350-1369), and Aegidius Rinaudi (1350-1353). There were two Franciscans: Elias de Nabinalis (1342-1348), and Pasteur de Sarrats (1350-1356). Raymond de Canilhac (1350-1373) and Arnaud de Villemur (1350-1355) were Canons Regular of Saint Augustine. Of these nine, seven were still alive to attend the Conclave of 1352.
Ciaconius-Olduin II, pp. 521-523, provide a list of twenty-eight cardinals who were alive at the time of the election of Innocent VI: six cardinal-bishops, fifteen cardinal-priests; and seven cardinal-deacons. They list "Arnaldus Gallus Presbyter Cardinalis sanctorum duodecim Apostolorum", though they also list Pectin de Montesquieu [Pictainus Gallus] as Presbyter Cardinalis sanctorum duodecim Apostolorum. An impossibility. Arnaud was Cardinal Priest of S. Sisto. They also list "Stephanus de Gardia Gallus, Presbyter Cardinalis: this is probably a doublet for Étienne Aubert, who had been promoted Bishop of Ostia on February 13, 1352. They include Elie de Nabinalis, O.Min., who had died in 1348.
The Camerarius S. R. E. was Msgr. Etienne Cambarou (Cambaruti), Archbishop of Toulouse (1350-1361). He had previously been Archbishop of Arles (1348-1350), and before that Bishop of St. Pons de Thomières (1346-1348). Before his appointment as Camerlengo in 1347 he had been Treasurer General. [C. Samaran and G. Mollat, La fiscalité pontificale en France au XIVe siècle (Paris 1905), p. 168.]
There is an interesting story, which can be traced to the Cistercian author, Dom Petrus Dorlandus (Pieter Dorland, died 1507) who reports in his chronicle (Martène, 187-188) that the twenty-second General of the Cistercians, Jean Birel (Ioannes Birellius) had been considered for the papal office at the Conclave of 1352:
Ob quam causam cum felicis recordationis Clemens papa sextus viam fuisset universae carnis ingressus, major pars cardinalium ipsum [Ioannem Birellium] in summum pontificem eligere disponebat: quod videns domnus cardinalis Petragoricensis, qui tunc temporis inter cardinales quasi vexillifer habebatur, scilicet praefati prioris electionem ad apicem pontificalem perduci velle: cum sentiret ipsum priorem summae esse justitiae et aequitatis, neque ullum hominem mundi contra justitiam reveri: surgens in medio collegii ait: Domini mei reverendi cardinales, vos quod facitis ignoratis. Sciatis pro certo priorem Carthusiae tantae fore justitiae, rigoris, et aequitatis, quod si ipsum in papam eligimus, pro certo ad statum nos reducet antiquum; atque equi nostri infra quattuor menses quadrigas conducent: non enim cujusquam veretur personam, quia ecclesiam Dei zelans, quasi leo confidit. Quo audito, domini cardinales perterriti, sibique ipsis nimis carnaliter metuentes, praefato priore praetermisso, dominum Innocemtium sextum de collegio suo elegerunt....
When Clement VI had died, the majority of cardinals was disposed to elect Jean Birel as pope. But seeing that Cardinal Talleyrand de Perigord was then the leader among the cardinals, and that he wished to prevent Birel being elected, for he saw that he was a Prior of outstanding justice and equity, he got up in the midst of the college of cardinals and said, "My lords, reverend cardinals, you don't know what you are doing. You are aware for certain that the Prior of Chartaux will be a man of such justice, rigor and equity, that if we elect him as pope, he will certainly bring us back to our ancient state; and inside of four months, our horses will be pulling quadrigae: for he is not afraid of the status of any one, because he is like a lion in his zeal for the Church of God." When the cardinals heard this, they were thoroughly frightened, and fearing too much for their material comforts, they passed over the Prior, and elected Pope Innocent VI from their own College....
And, later in the story, after the news of the death of Jean Birel is brought to Avignon (Martène, 192-193):
Dum vero Avenioni rumor de transitu prioris Cartusiae percrebuisset, domnus Innocentius papa adhuc superstes, haec audiens, in vocem lacrymanum, ut fertur, prorupit dicens: Valentior religiosus et clericus mundi mortuus est. Cum vero post modicum tempus supradictus papa in extremis laborasset, et finem suum adesse cerneret, coram infinitis astantantibus intonuit dicens: Utinam anima mea esset coram Deo talis qualem aestimo fore animam Johannis quondam prioris Carthusiae. Praescriptus etiam dominus cardinalis Petragoricensis, qui ejusdem prioris electionem in papatu impediverat, audita ejus morte, in haec verba prorupit: Vae nobis, quia tristes nos. Tristis est ecclesia Dei, quia collegium nostrum et ecclesia sancta Dei talem non promeruit habere pastorem. Non enim digni sumus tanto pastore.
There is also an influential sixteenth-century French translation (Driscart, pp. 116-117):
Voicy maintenant que nous avons a parler du R(everend). et saincte Pere Iean Birellios, lequel tant pour sa douceur que pour sa sainctete s' estoit rendu agreable a Dieu et aux hommes, sa renommee et auctorite estant si grande, qu' apres la mort de Clement sixieme la plus grande partie des Cardinaux estoit portee pour l'elire au Pontificat; ce qu' il eut refussi; ne fut este le Cardinal Pertragoricus, qui sçachant le zele et la justice de ce sainct personnage, harasigua ses Confreres les Cardinaux en ces termes: le ne sçay que trop mes Seigneurs que desirez pour notre souverain Pontife la personne du General des Chartreux et certes il faut que se conforse qu' il est tres digne et capable de cet honneur: mais parte que nous autres Joannes ambitieux desir faste, gloire et vanite e de ce monde; et a en horreur touts les attiratis, sottises, et vanitez; d' ecelay, s' il est eleu, sans faute (puis qu' il est porte pour l' equite et la justice) il nous voudra remettre a nostre premier estat, se moquant de nos montures si bien harnacees, et se riant de nos chevaux di superbement accommpdez, dieu nos housses pour lors et nos esperons donees, apres peu de jours il les renuoyera aux champs, et les employera a tirer la charue, car il ne se soucie de personne tant soit-elle puissante ou noble: mais pour l'Eglise il se comporte en guise de Lion fort et courageux. Cecy donna tant de crainte et d'emotion aux Cardinaux que ne luy osant fier leur voix, ils la donnerent a celui qui fut nomme Innocent sixieme...
and, ten years later in the life of Birel by Peter Dorlandus, following the death of Dom Jean Birel in fact (Driscart, 121):
Le Pape Innocent ayant entendu les nouvelles de sa mort dit en pleurant, helas le plus Sainct Religieux et le plus scavant du monde est mort ce joour-d'huy. Le mesme Sainct Pere estant aux abois de la mort disoit en la presence des assistans: A la mienne volente que mon ame parut si innocent devant Dieu que l' ame de ce bon Pere Ian, laquelle je crois avoir une conjour tres-agreable a nostre Seigneur.
Le Cardinal Petragoricensis fut si esterangement émeu de cette mort, que se repentant d' avoir esté cause qu'il n'avoit esté eleir Pape, dit ces mots avec grand regret, Mal-heur a nous Cardinaux, mal-heur à toute l'Eglise qui n'avons voulu avoir vu tel Pasteur, je l' ai defendu et voy la pourquoy mal-heur à moy parce que j' ay fait tort a nous tous, et grandement avit à la Saincte Eglise. Apres sa mort ce bon Pere n' a manqué de miracles, car Lemonicenses, d'ou il estoit natif, ayants recors a son affirtance trouvoient leurs malades aydez et soulangez, raison pourquoy ils envoyerent à la Chartreuse pour avoir quelques Reliques...
Now it is true that the Talleyrand family were noted supporters of the Carthusians. Cardinal Élie's brother, Count Archambaud III, in fact had founded the Chartreuse of Vauclere, and had left it 12,000 gold florins in his Will. But this story of Dom Jean Birel is not in the nature of a "chronicle". Birel had been an advisor of Benedict XI, and his austere, monkish, reformist Cistercian views were well known to all the members of the Sacred College. Birel was, as many leaders of religious orders in the history of the Church, a candidate for sainthood, being promoted by all the prayers and works of the members of his Order. All of the lives of the Carthusian leaders in Dorlandus' work are accompanied by reports of miracles and observations about their morals and moral influence. The anecdote about the Conclave of 1352 originates as part of a work, written in the late fifteenth century, which is at least partially hagiographic in nature, despite its title of chronicle. The anecdote appears nowhere else in extant literature but in the work of the Cistercian Dom Petrus Dorlandus (except by endless repetition). (see Zacour, passim) (Souchon, 54-56).
Piatti has his doubts as to the authenticity of Dorlandus' story (Storia, 106): "Se non che questi scrisse la propria Cronaca circa l' anno 1500, e per conseguente può non essere del tutto giuridica ed accertata la di lui asserzione, se non anco appassionata." Pélissier (Innocent VI, p. 43), though he accepts the tale of Jean Birel, remarks, "le candidature de Jean Birel ne fut pas posée." And his careful language is quite correct. Birel was not put forward as a candidate in the Conclave of 1352. The real interest of the Cardinals was not in the election of a saintly man, or of a man bent on reform. Quite the contrary, their work on a lengthy set of Electoral Capitulations indicates that the issue was power, and how it should be apportioned. Their interest was in limiting the Pope's power over them, rather than in allowing a Pope to reform them without their consent.
Pope Clement VI had considerably altered the regulations promulgated by Pope Gregory X at the Second Council of Lyons ("Prima Vita Clementis VI", in Baluzius I, 260-261):
Praefatus insuper Papa laxavit seu verius mutavit constitutionem Gregorii Papae X Ubi majus, de elect. lib VI editam super illis quae Cardinales habent observare quando sunt inclusi in conclavi pro electione Romani Pontificis celebranda. Voluit enim, constituit, et ordinavit quod dicti Cardinales possint a cetero in dicto conclavi existentes habere cortinas, cum quibus claudantur eorum logiae quando dormient seu quiescent. Item quod habeant duos servitores clericos vel laicos, prout eis magis placebit. Item quod elapsis tribus diebus post suum introitum haberent ultra panem et vinum fructus, caseum et electuaria, et unum ferculum carnium vel piscium duntaxat in prandio, et aliud in coena. Super quibus edidit constitutionem perpetuo duraturam, quae incipit Licet; cujus contrarium, quad praedicta, continebat caput praedictum Ubi majus, quod quoad alia omnia voluit in sua remanere firmitate.
There were to be curtains to give Cardinals privacy during sleep or rest. They could have two conclavisti, clerical or lay, as they pleased. After three days, in addition to bread and wine, they were allowed to have fruit, cheese and citrus (?), and one plate of meat or fish, both at lunch and at dinner.
The text of the Bull Licet in constitutione is given in Cherubini, Magnum Bullarium Romanum, p. 179 (dated 8 Idus Decemb, December 6, Pont nostri ann. X), and by Rinaldi [Baronius-Theiner 25, sub anno 1351, no. 39, p. 524].
Twenty-eight cells were built in the Conclave [Deprez, 240 and n. 2], leading some to conclude—erroneously—that there were twenty-eight living cardinals. Thirty-three doorways were walled shut, and sixteen windows.
There were Electoral Capitulations (André, 351-354; Souchon, 55-66). They are quoted by the successful candidate, Pope Innocent VI, in a letter written in 1352 at the beginning of his reign (Baronius-Theiner, sub anno 1352, nos. 25 and 26, p. 540):
These Capitulations were annulled by Innocent VI on July 6, 1353 in the Bull Solicitudo pastoris (Souchon, 63).
The Conclave of 1352 did not, as events transpired, need to invoke many of the new Conclave regulations promulgated by Clement VI. The Conclave opened on Sunday, December 16 (Deprez, 240), and came to a successful conclusion on Tuesday, December 18 ("Secunda Vita Innocentii VI", Baluzius I, column 345 and 846):
Mortuo Domino Clemente in die Sancti Nicolai, Cardinales intrarunt conclave Dominica post Luciae, et die Martis proxima hunc [Stephanum Alberti] elegerunt.
The Conclave was held in the Apostolic Palace in Avignon, where Clement VI had died. This is referred to by the new Pope, Innocent VI, in his Election Manifesto, Praedicator egregius (Baronius-Theiner, sub anno 1352, no. 28; p. 541):
Nuper siquidem felicis recordationis Clemente papa VI, praedecessore nostro, tela vitae succisa, in Domino quiescente, et ipsius funeralibus exsequiis cum honorificentia debita celebratis, nobisque una cum fratribus nostris S. R. E. cardinalibus, de quorum numero tunc eramus, tempore debito convenientibus invicem in palatio Apostolico Avinionensi, in quo idem praedecessor tempore sui obitus habitabit, pro futuri electione pastoris...
The election was a quick one. The Cardinals had heard that the King of France, John II "The Good", was on his way to Avignon with the intention of getting the Cardinals to elect the person most suitable to his own interests (Matteo Villani, Book III, chapter 45; Baronius-Theiner, sub anno 1352, no. 27; p. 541).
Dopo la morte di papa Clemente sesto, i cardinali rinchiusi in conclave sentendo che il re di Francia s'affrettava di venire a Avignone per avere papa a sua volontà. la qual cosa non gli potea mancare, tanti cardinali aveva a sua stanza e di suo reame, ma non ostante che tutto il collegio de'cardinali fosse stato al servigio del detto re, tuttavia per la riverenza della libertà di santa Chiesa, vollono innanzi avere fatto papa di loro movimento, che a stanza del re di Francia. E però di presente presono accordo tra loro, ed elessono a papa il cardinale d'Ostia nativo di Limogi, il quale era stato vescovo di Chairamonte, uomo di buona vita, e di non grande scienza, e assai amico del re di Francia; la sua fama infra gli altri era di semplice e buona vita, e antico d' età....
The "Third Life" adds that the election took place at the hour of Tierce—mid-morning ("Secunda Vita Innocentii VI", Baluzius I, column 357):
electus est in Papam per Cardinales anno Domini MCCCLII die Martis XVIII Decembris, hora tertiarum
Innocent VI (Étienne Aubert) was crowned in the Apostolic Palace at Avignon on Sunday, December 30 ("Secunda Vita Innocentii VI", Baluzius I, column 345; "Tertia Vita", column 357):
Qui coronatus fuit in palatio Apostolico Avinionensi dominica die infra octabas nativitatis Domini.
et coronatus Dominica penultima dicti mensis Avinione in apostolico palatio.
Stephanus Baluzius [Étienne Baluze], Vitae Paparum Avinionensium 2 volumes (Paris: apud Franciscum Muguet 1693): "Secunda Vita Clementis VI, cols. 265-280. "Tertia Vita Clementis VI," 279-300. "Quarta Vita Clementis VI," 299-310. "Quinta Vita Clementis VI," 309-318.
Augustinus Theiner (Editor), Caesaris S. R. E. Cardinalis Baronii, Od. Raynaldi et Jac. Laderchii Annales Ecclesiastici Tomus Vigesimus Quintus 1334-1355 (Barri-Ducis: Ludovicus Guerin 1872) [Baronius-Theiner].
Matteo Villani, Cronica di Matteo Villani (edited by Francesco Gherardi Dragomanni) Tomo I (Firenze: Sansone 1846).
"Registrum Litterarum Apostolicarum, tam patentium quam clausarum Sanctissimi in Christo Patris et Domini Nostri Innocentii papae Sexti," Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum Tomus II (Lutetiae Parisiorum 1717), 843-1072 [Letters of Year IX (1361)].
Ludovicus Antonius Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores Tomus Tertius (Milan 1723), 673-684. [Bernard Guidonis [Gui], OP, of Royères in the Limousin, Bishop of Lodève (ca. 1261—1331): U. Chevalier, Repertoire I, 1919-1920]. Heinrich Finke, Acta Aragonensia. Quellen zur deutschen, italianischen, franzosischen, spanischen, zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte aus der diplomatischen Korrespondenz Jaymes II. (1291-1327) (Berlin und Leipzig 1908).
Bartolomeo Platina, Historia B. Platinae de vitis pontificum Romanorum ...cui etiam nunc accessit supplementum... per Onuphrium [Panvinium]... et deinde per Antonium Cicarellam (Cologne: Cholini 1626). Bartolomeo Platina, Storia delle vite de' pontefice edizione novissima Tomo Terzo (Venezia: Ferrarin 1763). Aubery, Histoire generale des cardinaux (Paris 1642). Lorenzo Cardella, Memorie storiche de' cardinali della Santa Romana Chiesa Tomo secondo (Roma: Pagliarini 1792). Giuseppe Piatti, Storia critico-cronologica de' Romani Pontefici E de' Generali e Provinciali Concilj Tomo ottavo (Poli: Giovanni Gravier 1767). Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Annali d' Italia Volume 19 (Firenze 1827).
J.-B. Christophe, L' histoire de la papauté pendant le XIV. siècle Tome premier (Paris: L. Maison 1853) [very Gallican in outlook, hostile to Italian sources]. J.-F. André, Histoire de la papauté à Avignon deuxième edition (Avignon: Seguin Frères 1887). Martin Souchon, Die Papstwahlen von Bonifaz VIII bis Urban VI (Braunschweig: Benno Goeritz 1888). Félix Rocquain, La papauté au Moyen Age (Paris 1881). M. Antonelli, Vicende della dominazione pontificia nel Patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia, dalla traslazione della Sede alla restaurazione dell' Albornoz (Roma 1904) [Archivio della Societa romana di storia patria 25 and 26]. F. Gregorovius, History of Rome in the Middle Ages, Volume V.2 second edition, revised (London: George Bell, 1906). St Clair Baddeley,. Robert the Wise and his Heirs 1278—1352 (London: Heinemann 1897). Carl Müller, Der Kampf Ludwigs von Baiern mit der römischen Curie. II. Ludwig von Baiern, Benedict XII, und Clemens VI (Tübingen 1880)
Jean Birel: Petrus Dorlandus: [Theodorus Petreius, editor], D. Petri Dorlandi Diestensis olim Cartusiae prioris doctissimi Chronicon Cartusiense: in quo de viris sui ordinis illustribus, rebusq[ue] in eodem praeclare gestis, nec non & admiranda plurimarum Cartusiarum constructione scite pertractatur: ante annos quidem centum ab auctore conscriptum, nunc autem primo e latebris erutum, ac selectarum quarunda[m] adiectione notarum illustratum, publicoq[ue] bono promulgatum (Coloniae Agrippinae: apud Petrum Cholinum 1608) [editio princeps]. The Latin text can also be found in Edmond Martène, Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum historicorum, dogmaticorum, moralium amplissima collectio Tomus VI (Paris: Montalant 1729), 149-216. Adrian Driscart (editor and translator), Chronique, ou Histoire générale de l' Ordre sacré des Chartreux, composée par le Reverend Pere Dom Pierre Dorlande, en son temps Prieur de la Chartreuse de Diest (Tournay: Adrien Quinqué 1644). Norman P. Zacour, "A Note on the Papal Election of 1352: The Candidacy of Jean Birel," Traditio 13 (Fordham University Press 1957) 456-462. François Arbellot, Dom Jean Birel, général des chartreux (1900).
D. Cerri, Innocenzo pp. VI, dapprima detto Stefano Aliberti, della famiglia degli Aliberti di Saluzzo-Piemonte (Torino 1873). Antoine Pélissier, Innocent VI: Le reformateur, deuxième pape limousin (1961) p. 43. Bernard Guillemain, La cour pontificale d' Avignon (1309-1376) (Paris: E. de Boccard, 2nd edition 1966), p. 248. Diana Wood, Clement VI: The Pontificate and Ideas of an Avignon Pope (New York: Cambridge University Press 2003), p. 119.
L. Duhamel, "Les origines du palais des papes," Congrès archéologique de France. XLIXe Session (Paris:Champion 1883) 185-258.
Eugène Déprez, "Les funerailles de Clement VI, et d' Innocent VI, d' apres les comptes de la cour pontificale," Melanges d' histoire et d' archéologie publiés par l' Ecole Française de Rome 20 (1900), 235-250. P.M. Baumgarten, "Miscellanea Cameralia II," Römische Quartalschrift 22 (1908) II. Kirchengeschichte, 36-80.
William Cornwallis Cartwright, On the Constitution of Papal Conclaves (Edinburgh 1878).
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