Scenic China (More photos and links will be added)

(*Acknowledgement: Many links are pointing to Wikipedia
the free online encyclopedia, the BEST ON THE INTERNET)

Photo Notes Photo taken
QuYuan Garden on the West Lake, Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province (brief travel intro) (Wikipedia entry) in SE China (100 miles from Shanghai) May 1998
Moon Mirroring Garden on the West Lake. This is an isle on the West Lake inside which there is a smaller lake. Near the isle there are three towers (not in the photo) on the lake called "Three Towers Mirroring the Moon", the namesake of the garden. May 1998
A Garden in Hangzhou near Zhejiang Univ. Note the Chinese-style window creates a picture frame for the scene afar, which is a typical architectural style in SE Chinese gardens that helps to create many scenes in limited space. May 1998
The Pagoda of Six Harmonies, on the bank of QianTang River outside Hangzhou. The undergraduate programs of College of Business, Zhejiang U is in walking distance. I visited the pagoda many times during my master's program.
Harmony is a key Chinese value.
This picture is from a postcard
Classroom Building #3 of Zhejiang Univ (also: Wikipedia entry), my alma mater, which is very strong in engineering and constantly ranked number 4~6 in China. May 1998, after giving a seminar on e-commerce in the university
Pudong new district in Shanghai, which is the new financial center of China. At center of the picture is the Shanghai TV tower. May 1998, during an international business symposium
Skyline of Xiamen (Wikipedia entry), my hometown, a SE port city which was forced to open as one of the first five "Treaty Ports" to the British in 1840s after the British defeated Chinese Empire (Qing Dynasty) in the infamous 1840 Opium War (British sold opium - drug - to Chinese people and that was banned by then China Empire. The British waged a war to protect the drug business).
Xiamen city is an important tourism destination for her sub-tropical scenery and climate, featuring giant rocks, white-sand beaches, and tropical fruits.
January 2002
The Sunlight Rock on the isle of GuLangYu of Xiamen city. The rock is a giant whole piece of about 300 feet tall.
The rock is also named ShuiCaoTai ("commanding platform of navy") - in 1660s, ZHENG, Cheng-Gong (spelt CHENG Cheng-Kung in Taiwan; "Kogxinga"  - "The Noble with the Empire's Family Name" from the local Fujian/Taiwan dialect - in western history literature), a general of Ming Dynasty, trained his fleet here and later took the Chinese island of Taiwan back from the occupation of Dutch Eastern Indian Company. The general is widely respected in both Chinese mainland and Taiwan - there is a Cheng-Kung Univ in Taiwan.
A postcard picture - I visited the park hundreds of times since I grew up on the isle of Gulangyu.
Learning Tai-Ji (Tai-Chi), an ancient Chinese martial art and exercise, from my father, outside the Memorial Museum of General ZHENG Cheng-Gong. June 1998
Old country homes in suburb of Xiamen. This style is very common and typical in the provinces of Fujian and Taiwan - because over 90% of residents in Taiwan migrated to the island from southern Fujian 1600s-1949, and people of both provinces share the same sub-culture within the Chinese culture: dialect, foods, clothing, festivals, worships, ancestral trees, and many rituals. July 1998
Nan (South) Pu-Tuo Buddhist Temple in Xiamen, first built in the 7th century (T'ang Dynasty). Buddhism is the largest religion in China, which is very peaceful. Postcard picture
Huang-Hua (yellow flower) Hts. Memorial in Guangzhou (Canton, near Hong Kong), in memorial to martyrs died in an uprising against the Chinese Empire (Qing Dynasty) in 1910. A major uprising the next year (1911) ended the rule of the Emperor and established the first republic in Asia - the Republic of China, which ruled the whole China 1912-1949 until it was defeated by the Chinese communists and moved its seat to Taipei, Taiwan Province, China in 1949 and has since ruled the island province. Postcard picture
(I visited the park in May 1993)
A Statue of Liberty on top of the Tomb of the Martyrs at Huang-Hua Hts. Memorial. The Chinese Revolution (overthrowing the Qing Empire and establishing the Republic of China) was deeply influenced by the American Revolution. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the founding father of the Republic of China (now in Taiwan) - who is respected in both Chinese mainland and Taiwan - created a "Principles of Three 'People' ": independence of Chinese people (from the Western colonial powers), prosperity of individual people, rights for individual people (civil rights), which is called "San (three) Min (people) ZhuYi (Ideology)" Postcard picture
(I visited the park in May 1993)
Wu-Ling-Yuan Mountains, in Hunan Province - yes, the "Hunan" in Hunan restaurants :-) Picture from Chinese tourism web site
Temple of Heaven in Beijing, where Chinese emperors of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties prayed the heaven for good harvest for the farmers of the country. Picture from Chinese tourism web site (visited 1971 and 1988)
The Forbidden City in Beijing - palace of Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. There is a Palace Museum in both Beijing and Taipei (Taiwan Province), the latter holds more precious items of royal treasures when the Republic of China government moved to Taipei in 1949.
The Palace Museum (Forbidden City) in Beijing has over 9,000 rooms, and is the largest ancient palace that still stands.
Picture from Chinese tourism web site (visited 1971 and 1988)

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