One requirement for this class is to have an email address. The following links will help you get started:
Follow these directions to establish your WebCT account (You will only do this once):
1. Go to WebCT at http://webteach.csun.edu
2. Click on Create my WebCT
3. Fill in the starred boxes and your email address.. Be sure that your user ID is your first initial and last name. For example: The name Amy O'berg-Walsh would have a user ID of aobergwalsh
Do not in any spaces or punctuation marks! Do not use any capital letters in the user ID!
4. Click Continue
5. Enter the User ID and Password that you have just created
6. Click on Add Course
7. Click on Psychology
8. Click on Psy345
9. Do not put the user ID or Password in. Just click Register
10. Click Go to Course.
11. If you already have an access code, click "use it". If not, click "purchase one"
12.Read the license agreement and click "accept"
13. Enter your access code, then click "register"
14. Click "Go to the course."
15. Enter your user name and password.
For help using WebCT, click on this link: http://www.csun.edu/~webteach/WebCTHelp.html
WebCT Requirements:
For each chapter in the textbook, there will be a corresponding set of online
assignments. You will be expected to:
2. Read and study the online lecture notes
3. View the online PowerPoint Presentation.
4. Take the online quiz
5. Take the online test. You can take each test only once but it is an open book test and it is not timed, take as long as you like to complete it.
For the laboratory portion of this class (345L) you will be expected to:
1. Conduct the online activities for each chapter.
2. Write a report of your findings and post it in the appropriate discussion forum provided. These assignments will be graded and feedback will be given to you in the discussion forum.
3. Read and respond to a minimum of 2 entries of other students each week. (Your responses can be in the form of a question, an answer, a comment, suggestion or a disagreement. Please attempt to make these comments helpful. For example, "Your independent variable sucks" would not be a particularly useful comment! Explain what you believe is the problem with the IV and what they may be able to do to improve it).
Your online activities will function as "virtual" classroom time for the research seminar. You do not need to "physically" attend the research seminar. Instead, you will "virtually" attend class via the discussion entries and responses. The instructor and the teaching assistant will always be available both "physically" (in the classroom or office) and "virtually" (to read and respond to your entries). Grades for the one unit 345L will be based on your online activities.
Make-up exams are discouraged! They will be given only when a student is ill or is facing some serious emergency. Verification is required. In those instances when a make-up is necessary, it is the student's responsibility to contact the professor right away (call office at 818-677-2827) and come in as soon as the problem has passed to schedule a make-up. Make-ups are only administered during one two-hour period each week by the Psychology Department. Students are expected to alter their class or work schedule to take the make-up.
Policy on Incompletes: PERMISSION TO TAKE AN "INCOMPLETE" MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE INSTRUCTOR BEFORE SEMESTER GRADES ARE DUE. A special form is required and it is the student's responsibility to obtain one (available in the Administration Building), fill it out, and contact us about it. An incomplete should be requested only for serious or emergency reasons such as illness on the day of the final exam. An incomplete should not be requested because one did not get around to finishing the course project in time since you have had a full semester to work on it. A missing final is expected to be made up in a short period of time--within a few weeks of the incomplete grade assignment--unless extremely unusual circumstances prevail. Please note: If anything is missing, I will simply assign a grade of "U" (unauthorized incomplete) and do nothing else until I hear from you for an explanation. If I do not hear from you, the grade eventually and automatically reverts to an "F".