California State University, Northridge

Questions to Ask Creative Individuals

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2010

  1. Do you think that creativity involves putting your heart and soul into your work? Or is it more like letting your mind flow freely to witness the surprising results of your actions?
  2. What in your personal life has influenced you to choose your career?
  3. Do you strive to be unique in your creative endeavors? Please explain.
  4. What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work?
  5. Were you ever discouraged? If so, how did it it affect your creativity?
  6. If you had to start over, would you choose a different path in your career?
  7. If you could become one of your characters/works of art, which one would you choose? Why?
  8. In thinking about the things that you have created, is there something that you hated but the public may have loved - and perhaps purchased? How do you explain this?
  9. What is your favorite color? Does this color describe your as a person? Please explain.
  10. What is the best advice that you have been given?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2009

  1. What is creativity to you? Do you consider yourself to be creative? Why or why not?
  2. Do you critique your own work? Explain.
  3. How do you manage to stay both personal and original in your creative endeavors?
  4. Has rejection ever affected your creative process? Explain.
  5. What kind of jobs did you have before your career took off?
  6. What was the biggest opposing force that you encountered on your creative journey?
  7. If you had the chance to live during a different artistic movement other than now, which one would you choose?
  8. If you could interview a creative person (past or present), who would that person be? Please explain your choicem.
  9. If you were our President, what would your first order of business be?
  10. How would you like to be remembered?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2009

  1. How did you get into what you do creatively?
  2. Do you think that you would be able to teach what you do?
  3. What inspires you?
  4. What do you do to get into your creative zone?
  5. What is your favorite accomplishment?
  6. Do you ever create hidden meanings or messages in your work? Explain.
  7. Do you enjoy sharing your work with others or do you prefer to go unnoticed? Why?
  8. Do you pay attention to others' strong reactions to your work? Does that affect what you create?
  9. Who do you define as a visionary?
  10. If your creative work were edible, what would it taste like?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2008

  1. People regard you as a creative person. Do you agree? Please explain your answer.
  2. Looking at what you have created in the past, would you change anything today? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever doubted your talent? If so, how did you work through your doubt?
  4. Have you ever felt enlightened by an event in the past that has given you a new perspective on life? Please explain.
  5. If you and I were to trade places, tell me one thing about yourself that I should know.
  6. If you could choose a theme song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Please explain your choice.
  8. If your creative works had an odor, what do you think they would smell like? Why?
  9. If you could change one aspect of our society through your work, what would it be?
  10. How do want people to remember you?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2008

  1. Do you think that creativity is part of human nature or is it something that must be nurtured and learned? Please explain your answer.
  2. What made you decide to follow a creative career choice (though possibly risky) rather than something more stable?
  3. What is your inspiration? How has personal experience influenced your creativity?
  4. What is your favorite creation? Please explain why you selected this one.
  5. What do you wish to accomplish with your art?
  6. How do you know when a piece or project is finished and needs no additonal work?
  7. Have you ever been faced with negative feedback? How was this reflected in your work, if at all?
  8. What impact do you think that commercialism and the media has had on your work? Is this good or bad?
  9. Are you a fan of cartoons? If so, what is your favorite one?
  10. What is playing in your CD player/Ipod right now?
  11. If you had to be any of these things, which would you like to be?
    a) a member of the opposite sex, b) a clock, c) a pair of shoes, d) a duck
    Please explain your choice.
  12. If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your day?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2007

  1. When was the first time that you remember realizing that you are a creative person?
  2. When did you know that this was what you wanted to do with your life? How did you get started?
  3. What traits, if any, do you think that creative people have as compared to people who are not creative?
  4. Do believe that your training has influenced what you create?
  5. Have you ever felt that your personal expectations have limited your creativity? If so, how have you dealt with this?
  6. Have other people supported or inspired you? Please explain.
  7. How have you dealt with any criticism you have gotten because of your creative endeavors?
  8. Do you ever feel that you have to censor your creativity because you don't want to offend anyone?
  9. Do you do anything special to get your "creative juices" flowing? Please explain.
  10. Does your work convey a specific emotion or message?
  11. If you could be any object, what would you be? Why?
  12. What are your words of wisdom for someone starting out in your field?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2007

  1. How would you define creativity? Please explain how you go about deciding that something is creative.
  2. How or why were you drawn to this career instead of to a job that might offer more stability and security?
  3. At what age or time in your life did you realize that you were creative?
  4. Who is the most creative person that you have ever known?
  5. How did you choose your creative outlet? What inspires you?
  6. What kind of things do you do to get your "creative juices" flowing?
  7. What obstacles, if any, have you had to deal with in your life or career? What are the biggest challenges you have had in the realm of your art?
  8. Do you create your works for yourself or to share with others?
  9. What is the ultimate message in your creative expressions?
  10. What advise could you give me?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2006

  1. How do you define creativity?
  2. Do you believe that each person has the capacity to be creative? Why?
  3. How did you find your creative niche?
  4. Do you think creativity is innate or learned? Explain.
  5. Who or what experiences have inspired your work?
  6. Have you always wanted to do what you are doing? If not, what made you decide to start?
  7. Does spirituality and culture play a role in your creativity? Explain.
  8. How important is education to your creative process?
  9. How do you deal with creativity blocks?
  10. What part of you do you share in your creative endeavors?
  11. Have you had to overcome obstacles (physical, financial, social, etc.) in your creative world? Explain.
  12. Do you believe that it is important to be accepted by others as being creative or is just doing what you love to do enough to justify your work? Explain.

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2006

  1. What inspires you to be creative?
  2. Can you see your finished product before you start it?
  3. Is there anything special that you do to get into a creative mindset?
  4. What message, if any, do you try to put into your work?
  5. Do you ever find yourself unable to express your creativity to the fullest? What kinds of things inhibit you?
  6. Do you ever find youself limited by the materials that you have available?
  7. Who is your greatest influence?
  8. Do you feel that you chose your "passion," or did it chose you?
  9. Is there a particular place where you feel most creative?
  10. If you hadn't chosen your field, what would your alternate field have been?
  11. How much emphasis do you place on education? What do you think we should be getting out of a class like The Psychology of Creativity?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2005

  1. What is your definition of creativity?
  2. Who do you think is creative? Please explain why.
  3. Was the way you express your creatvity now always your ambition? If so, when did you know for sure?
  4. When embarking upon a project, do you preplan your entire endeavor or do you simply follow where your inspiration takes you?
  5. What do you think keeps your imagination from conforming to mainstream society? Please explain.
  6. What do you intend to achieve through your work?
  7. Who or what has helped you to persevere and not quit?
  8. Do you ever do something special to prepare for expressing your creativity? Please explain.
  9. Are you ever afraid or concerned about being judged by others or worried about how your creativity is perceived?
  10. What is your best advice for someone interested in your field?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2005

  1. Thinking about your own creative works or those of others, what is your own definition of creativity?
  2. Do you think that creativity comes naturally to people - or do you think creativity is a skill that people must develop?
  3. If you were no longer able to use the medium that you are now working in, how else would you express your creativity?
  4. Who or what inspires your creative urges?
  5. How do you usually get your "creative juices" flowing?
  6. What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
  7. How would you like to be regarded or remembered?
  8. Are your favorite creative works generally those best regarded by others?
  9. Do you think your creative endeavors isolate you or connect you with other people?
  10. What has been your greatst sacrifice that you have made for your craft?
  11. What words of inspiration were given to you that you would like to pass along to others?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2004

  1. What is your definition of creativity?
  2. Do you think creativity is something that a person is born with - or do you think creativity is developed?
  3. At what point in your life did you realize that you have creative talent?
  4. Have you ever felt that your creative endeavors motivate other people to become interested in your field? Explain.
  5. What (or who) has been your biggest inspiration in keeping your creativity energy going?
  6. How (and when) did you come to feel that you are successful in your creative endeavors?
  7. What do you intend to achieve through your creative works?
  8. If you had the opportunity, what creative person (living or dead) would you like to work with? Why?
  9. Do you have skills that you wish to develop or talents you wish to perfect? Explain.
  10. Think back to your childhood. What did you hope to become as an adult?
  11. How have the life events you have experienced influenced your creative style and ability?
  12. If you knew that you had only one last opportunity to express yourself creatively, what message would you want to convey to others?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2004

  1. What is your definition of creativity?
  2. When did you realize that you had a gift?
  3. Who or what has been your greatest inspiration in life? Explain.
  4. What sort of lasting impression do you hope your work will have on other people?
  5. Do you have a passion for what you do? Do you find it easy to "create?" Explain.
  6. Are there any other creative channels you use to express your creativity?
  7. How do you balance your personal life and your creative endeavors?
  8. With respect to your creative activities, what has been the greatest obtacle that you have had to overcome?
  9. Do you have any special rituals that you do in order to achieve your creative goals?
  10. What do you do when you experience a mental block to your creative endeavors?
  11. Have you helped or mentored anyone else?
  12. Is there anything that you haven't done yet that you feel compelled to achieve in the future? Explain.

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2003

  1. What is your definition of creativity?
  2. Do you think there is a driving force that inspires you? Explain.
  3. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? Why?
  4. What is your typical day like?
  5. How much of your own life is reflected in your work?
  6. Do you have family members that share your creativity? If so, please describe one of their creative products that you especially appreciate.
  7. What was your childhood like? Do you think your experiences in childhood have influenced your present creative endeavors?
  8. Were there any obstacles that you had to overcome in order for you to succeed? Explain.
  9. Which of your accomplishments would you want to be remembered for?
  10. What advice could you give to someone starting out in your field?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2003

  1. Who or what has inspired/influenced/empowered you?
  2. Do you endeavor to convey your emotions through your creativity? If so, explain how you do this.
  3. Does your creative energy come from internal or external sources? Explain.
  4. Which of your creations gives you the most pride/satisfaction?
  5. Is there a certain place you go for inspiration? Please describe.
  6. How do you think you differ from other creative people in your genre?
  7. Has your creativity changed stylistically as you have matured? If it has changed, please explain how.
  8. When do you feel most energized?
  9. What other person(s) do you consider to be creative and why?
  10. What advice would you give to people following in your footsteps?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2002

  1. What distinguishes you from other artists in your genre?
  2. What piece of work are you most proud? Why?
  3. Do you create with the intent to send a message? If so, how important is it that your audience understands the message?
  4. What is your prime motivation to be unique?
  5. Do you learn more about who you are through your creative endeavors?
  6. Has any type of substance helped to enhance your creativity? If so, which one?
  7. Who or what are your main influences and insiprations?
  8. How do you feel when others are critical about what you have created?
  9. If you have experienced creative blocks, how have you overcome them?
  10. What is the relationship in your life between creativity and sufgfering/depression?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2002

  1. Do you consider yourself a creative person? What other creative avenues have you explored?
  2. How do you think one can expand ones creative mind and abilities?
  3. Does your creativity reflect events in your life or your own personality?
  4. Do the opinions of other people influenc or change what you create?
  5. Does your motivation come from yourself or from others?
  6. Why did you decide to take this path? What was your inspiration?
  7. When and how did you discover your talent? Does creativity come naturally or do you have to work on it?
  8. What do you do in a normal day that contributes to your creative work?
  9. What creative individuals do you admire?
  10. What advice would you give to other people who are motivated to become more creative?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2001

  1. When and how did you discover that you were a creative person?
  2. How do you get your inspirations?
  3. Why did you choose this medium for expressing your creativity?
  4. Does your creative work come easily or do you struggle with your ideas? What obstacles (if any) do you experience when you are creating? If you do face obstacles, how do you get past them?
  5. Please describe how you feel when you are creating something.
  6. Do you always like the end result of your creative process?
  7. Is there a creative work of another person that is your favorite? If there is, please describe it. Why is it your favorite?
  8. What person (living or dead) would you like to spend a day with? Why?
  9. What would you most like to be remembered for?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Spring 2001

  1. What does creativity mean to you?
  2. Do you think that people are born with creativity or do they learn it?
  3. From where does your creativity stem (your emotions, your personal experience, etc.)?
  4. When you begin to create, do you have a finished product in mind?
  5. When you have finished creating, do you modify what you have created?
  6. Do you identify with your creative product?
  7. What kind of impact do you hope to achieve through your creative efforts?
  8. Who (or what) do you consider to be the greatest influence in your work?
  9. Do you have periods of great creativity or does your creativity flow continuously?
  10. What do you do to enhance your creativity?

Composed by Students in Psychology 344 - Fall 2000

  1. How is your idea derived - in a momment, from a voice, during an out-of-body experience? Or does the idea come when something or someone else is influencing you?
  2. How do you make the leap from an idea in your head to the action you produce?
  3. How do you feel about the way your creativity is being experienced by others? How do you react to criticism or praise? What emotions are involved?
  4. Do you use creativity to escape?
  5. Do you have to be in a certain mood in order to create?
  6. Do you see yourself in your work? Do you think others see you in your work?
  7. Does too much information make creativity fail?
  8. What do you do when you experience a creative block?
  9. Do you use creativity to express your life style? Your dreams?
  10. How do other people perceive you?

Composed by Students in Psychology 444 - Fall 1998

  1. How do you define creativity?
  2. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?
  3. Do you consider yourself to be a spiritual person? If so, how does your spirituality affect your creative work?
  4. What are your motivations for creating? Is approval from others one of them? Why or why not?
  5. What are your reasons for sharing your work with others via the World Wide Web?
  6. Do you consider yourself to be different from other people? If so, how does this affect you?
  7. Did other people accept your work at first or did it take some effort on your part to be recognized by others?
  8. Which creative people do you admire? Why?
  9. Please describe your state of mind when you are creating something.
  10. How would you describe your personality?
  11. Do you think that their is a link between birth order (or being an only child) and creativity in adulthood?
  12. Certain creative people (for example, Van Gogh and Wagner) have been thought to have had psychological problems, although not everybody agrees with this. Do you think that there is any link between psychological problems and creativity?

Composed by Students in Psychology 444 - Spring 1998

  1. Do you perceive yourself as creative? Do you think your own perception and evaluation of your creative endeavors are influenced by the views of other people? What role do you think the culture that you live in plays in your creative efforts?
  2. What motivates your creative ideas and creative activity? What role do you think emotions play in your creative process?
  3. Do you think that creativity is a result of genetics or learned abilities? Do you remember any significant life events that may have played a role in your creative development?
  4. When engaged in a creative activity, do you usually have specific goals? Do you aim your creative efforts at certain groups of people? Do you have any concerns that people may see your work differently from the way you regard it?
  5. As a creative individual, do you believe that you perceive the world differently from other people? Do you think that any "unusal" thought processes are involved when you create something?
  6. What effect (if any) do you think your childhood has had on the creativity you display as an adult? What are your earliest memories involving your own creative expression?
  7. Do you think there is a connection between your spiritual or religious self and your own creativity? Do your dreams play a role in your creative process?
  8. Do you believe that creativity and genius go hand in hand? What do you think about the commonly-held notion that creativity is linked to madness?
  9. What is your standard for evaluating your own creative work and the works of other people? Do you think that monetary rewards can be compatible with creativity in general? Are monetary rewards relevant to your own work?
  10. What benefits or problems might we expect with the cloning of highly creative individuals? Please finish this sentence: "It would be best if ____% of the world's population were highly creative because ...."

Composed by Students in Psychology 444 - Fall 1997

  1. What environmental factors do you consider to be helpful (or limiting) to your creative process?
  2. How much of your creative ability do you think is innate? Or is your creativity a skill that you have developed?
  3. Do you view your creative ability/process as unusual or unique?
  4. Is there something that you do to put yourself into a creative state of mind? If so, what?
  5. How much of your creativity do you think is motivated by outside considerations, such as approval of others? How much is motivated by your "inner being?"
  6. Have your personal experiences (or situations) influenced your creative abilities? How?
  7. How does your creative process/production benefit you? For example, does it support you financially?
  8. What is your creative goal and how attainable do you think it is?
  9. When did you realize that you wanted to express your creativity? Was it encouraged by others (e.g., parents)?
  10. How do you go about evaluating your creative product?
  11. Are you creative in more than one area? What is/are the other area(s)?
  12. What other interests do you have?