356A Assignments  (click on the assignment for each module)




Due Date


Basic Concepts 



Population and Energy 



Communicable Diseases I



Communicable Diseases II




Exam #1


Foodborne Illnesses 



Food Safety 







Exam #2


Vectorborne Diseases, Pesticides 

A08, A09






Solid & Hazardous Wastes 

A10, A11



Exam #3




overview: browse the entire section.

modules: read module A01:

  • As indicated at the end of each module:
    • take the "quiz" listed for that module.
    • browse all of the sites for that section.

hypernews: send a test message:





modules: read module A02. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.

hypernews: send in a question:

  • place it in the subsection: "general questions."



modules: read module A03. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



modules: read module A04. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.

 Look below for the hypernews assignment for exam #1.



  • The exam will be Wednesday, October 10.
  • The hypernews assignment, due October 8, is as follows:
    • Determine your "hypernews number" by taking your user-id (for the online quizzes).  For example, if your user-ID is 051, then your hypernews number would be 51.
    • With your new hypernews number, go to the site with terms for exam #1 . Select the term that has your hypernews number. For example, if your hypernews number is 17, then the term is: common law.
    • Develop a true/false question for the term with your hypernews number. Place this question in the "title" of a hypernews message that you will place the the hypernews for exam #1 . Place the answer in the actual message section.
    • If you're a little unsure about this assignment, look at people who have done the assignment before you, or better yet stop by class next week. If there are slight glitches in this assignment, just remember: the true purpose of this assignment is to develop an effective review tool for your classmates. This assignment is worth 5 points.





modules: read module A05. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



modules: read module A06. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.


modules: read module A07. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



  • The exam will be Monday, November 17, 2003.
  • The class for November 19 will be optional.
  • The hypernews assignment is as follows:
    • Determine your "hypernews number" by taking your user-id (for the online quizzes) and subtracting 50. For example, if your user-ID is 051, then your hypernews number would be: 051 - 50 = 1
    • With your new hypernews number, go to the site with terms for exam #2 . Select the term that has your hypernews number. For example, if your hypernews number is 17, then the term is: common law.
    • Develop a true/false question for the term with your hypernews number. Place this question in the "title" of a hypernews message that you will place the the hypernews for exam #2 . Place the answer in the actual message section.
    • If you're a little unsure about this assignment, look at people who have done the assignment before you, or better yet stop by class next week. If there are slight glitches in this assignment, just remember: the true purpose of this assignment is to develop an effective review tool for your classmates. This assignment is worth 5 points.
  • Be sure to check this site at regular intervals for any additional announcements prior to the exam!



modules: read module A08. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



  • The exam will be Monday, November 11, 2002.
  • The hypernews assignment is as follows:
    • Determine your "hypernews number" by taking your user-id (for the online quizzes) and subtracting 50. For example, if your user-ID is 051, then your hypernews number would be: 051 - 50 = 1
    • With your new hypernews number, go to the site with terms for exam #2 . Select the term that has your hypernews number. For example, if your hypernews number is 17, then the term is: perfringens.
    • Develop a true/false question for the term with your hypernews number. Place this question in the "title" of a hypernews message that you will place the the hypernews for exam #2 . Place the answer in the actual message section.
    • Once again, if there are slight glitches in this assignment, just remember: the true purpose of this assignment is to develop an effective review tool for your classmates. This assignment is worth 5 points.
  • Be sure to check this site at regular intervals for any additional announcements prior to the exam!





modules: read module A09. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



modules: read module A10. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.



modules: read module A11. As indicated at the end of the module, take the quiz for that module.

Week 15


Finals Week