This page simulates what the hypernews pages will look like. 
The critical areas (i.e., where to double-click the mouse) are generally in 
bold and larger font.   My own instructions are added in red font. 
1. On any of my course web pages, select "Hypernews," and then select the appropriate course. 
     For example, if you were taking my risk class (H.S. 469), you would click on "Hypernews" and 
     get the following screen:
This site is used for various activities within Hypernews.

Messages [ Display All ] [ Outline All ]
  1. 356a by Tom Hatfield, Jan 03, 16:32
  2. 356b by Tom Hatfield, Jan 03, 16:33
  3. 553 by Tom Hatfield, Jan 03, 16:34
  4. 353 by Tom Hatfield, Jan 03, 16:34
  5. 469 by Tom Hatfield, Jan 03, 16:40 <----- click here for 469
[ Add Message ] to: "Hatfield's Hypernews"
[Members] [Admin Mode] [Show Frames] [Help for HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group:/thatfield)1.10 ]


2.  We continue with the 469 site as an example.  If you wanted to add a message to this site, you would    
     click on "Add Message" as indicated below:


     Forum: Hatfield's Hypernews 
     Date: Jan 03, 16:33 
     From: Tom Hatfield <vchsc006@csun.edu> 

This is for 469 hypernews.

[ Next-in-Thread ] [ Next Message ]

Messages [ Display All ] [ Outline All ]

1. For test messages, click here. by Tom Hatfield, Jan 22, 19:55  <----- (click here to enter
2. Click here for general questions. by Tom Hatfield, Jan 22, 19:57        the subsections)
[Add Message]  to: "469" <------------------------------------ (click here to "Add message"
                                                                                                    to this section)
[Members]  [Admin Mode]  [Show Frames]  [Help for HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield) 1.10 ]  
3.   Enter the appropriate information only where indicated below with red arrows, 
       Be sure to skip all the other entries. Also, be sure to enter your name!
       Hypernews may describe it as "optional,"  but it is essential if you wish 
       to receive credit for your assignments in my classes!

Edit Message

You are adding a Message to: "Module 7A" Your message should be related to the subject named above. If it is not, please do not add your message here. Instead, first find the appropriate page and add your message there. If you just want to test this system, please do it on the Test Forum. If you are a frequent contributor to forums at this site, you should become a member. If you are unfamiliar with HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield), please see the instructions for details.

From (User ID or Email address, if you are a member of HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield)):

Password at HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield):

If you are not a member of HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield), please enter the following instead.

Email Address (required if you want to be notified):
<----- click here and type in information

Your name (optional):
<----- click here and type in information

Title (describe your message, no HTML tags allowed):
<----- click here and type in information

Choose a format for your message:

Word Processor: Wrap long lines, break lines at hard Returns, preserve leading blanks and tabs, and use a fixed-width font. URLs and email addresses will be made into links.
Smart Text: Format paragraphs separated by blank lines. If you begin any lines with spaces or tabs, the whole paragraph will not be formatted. Lines beginning with a common prefix (for instance, ">") are also unformatted. URLs and email addresses will be made into links.
Enter your message here:
<----- click in box and type in message

<----- click here when you're done

Please preview your message before posting. The preview page shows your message the way it will appear to readers. You may post your message from the preview page or return to this page to edit it (use your browser Back button to get back here), then preview again and send. To cancel your message, just don't submit it. 

4. If you're satisfied with the preview of your message, post it by clicking as indicated below.

Help for HyperNews at hyper.vcsun.org (group: /thatfield)

To Edit your message, go Back to the previous page, change your text, and then preview again.
To Cancel, just don't post.
When you are ready to Post your message, push the button below. Posting may take some time, so please be patient. Please don't post the same message more than once and don't reload this preview page.

<----- click here


5. You can now see your posted message. If you return to the previous hypernews 
     pages, be sure to "reload" so that your addition will be seen.

Your title should be here 

Forum: 469
Re: Chapter 7 (Tom Hatfield)
Re: Module 7A (Tom Hatfield)
Date: Sep 28, 09:58
From: <Anonymous>

Your message should be here.