Getting started:

Welcome to my web pages! It will take a small investment of time at the beginning, but if you understand the format of even one of my course web pages, you should have little trouble using any of my pages. The six basic components for all of my course web pages are given below. Click on each of them to read a brief summary.







Overall Summary














The first link listed is always the "overview" section, and it provides a basic overview to the class by way of the course syllabus. Be sure to pay special attention to the list of "terms," because they provide a detailed map of the material we will cover. After you've looked through the overview section, you probably won't need to look at it again, although it might help if you're reviewing terms.
















Once you're oriented to the general layout of the web site, your next step is the modules. The basic educational content of the course is found within these modules. Each module has a unique alphanumeric designation (e.g., A06). If you have any doubt about which modules to review, check the assignments (explained later in this page).


























The next step, after reading a given module, is to take a quiz. For convenience, the link to a particular quiz is given in at least 2 places: within this quiz section, but also at the end of each module. You will need a user-id and password to take these exams. If you don't yet have a user-id and password, ask me for one by email.


























The next step, hypernews, is intended for class discussion. At its basic level, hypernews is usually in the form of a course assignment. However, it is also an opportunity to stimulate discussion of the course material, and gives you the opportunity to offer your reactions to the material. If you've never used hypernews before, you should consult this guide.



















We all know that the internet can have both awful web sites and terrific sites.Your next step is to browse through some of the sites I have recommended. Quite often, these sites can add to your understanding of the material by showing how the working professionals handle various issues. Indeed, some of these sites may prove valuable to you after you leave the course.  

















Finally, during the semester there will be various assignments for the class (modules, quizzes, hypernews, etc.). This section is especially handy for staying current on all these assignments, and I will also use it to make announcements as needed. Make it a habit to check this section regularly.


















  • The modules provide the educational content;
  • the quizzes help focus on the material;
  • hypernews facilitates student discussion of the material;
  • the sites offer connections to the professional world; and
  • assignments are a way to stay current with class activities.

and some final thoughts:

  • Don't forget to review the list of terms for each section.
  • Above all else, don't hesitate to contact me if things go wrong....

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