Steven Wexler

Klee Red Balloon


English 312: Literature and Film: "Framing the American Dream: Labor, Love, and Citizenry"

The following digital midterm projects were created by my Literature and Film students for a look at representations of the American Dream.

Emily Beal, Naomi Pike, Andrea Geisendorf, and Vivien Sargsyan. Genre and the American Dream
Andrea, Castneda, Alessandra Battaglia, Alix Mimran, Nataly Hernandez. In the Dust
Kelsey, Elizabeth, and Ushma. The Thrill of Mise-en-Scene
Alfred Stine, Christian Ual, Nicholas Ito. Bildungsroman: A Recurring Theme
Angelica Campa, Tanya Nazarian, Karen Olivares. Love and the American Dream Through Film
Christian Quijano, Carlos Guardado, and Gary Gonzalez. Horror and the American Dream
Alex Segovia, Wendy Aguila, Vera Iwanoff, Matthew Arnold.The American Dream
Dat Luu, Andy Badillo. Film and the American Dream
Taylor Clayton, Adrian Flores, Nicholas Thompson.The Human Race: The Difference Between Film and Reality
Kase Vollebregt, Sergio Monreal, and Sanam Ghodsi. Crime, Rebellion, and the American Dream

English 651: Rhetoric and Composition Theory Spring 2014 Final Projects

The following Websites were created by graduate students in my Spring 2014 Rhetoric and Composition Theory seminar. Students had the choice between producing a final seminar paper and a Web project.

Ariane Galeano. Composition Talk
Kristin Kaz. Social Media in Composition
Ellen Moreh. Composition and Language
Nami Olgin. Composition Pedagogy
Norma Perez.Re-Theorizing Composition Pedagogy
Kaitlin Smith. Language is Revenge
Sherece Usher. Hip Hop Pedagogy: Schoolin' Life

English 654: Rhetoric of Science Fall 2013 Midterm Projects

The following Websites were created by graduate students in my Fall 2013 Rhetoric of Science seminar. Students were asked to locate an ongoing debate in any of the sciences and design a Website devoted to the debate's history, socioeconomics, positions, and rhetorics. Each Website includes an essay, annotated bibliography, and creative use of Web media.

Stephan Almendinger. GMOs and the Law
Leslie Kawakami. Rhetoric of Medicine
Chelsea Turner. Debating the Protection of Women: Mammograms
Ariane Galeano. Planet Formation: The Accretion Debate
Jason Sirkin. The Genius Debate
Ellen Moreh. The Supplemental Vitamin Debate
Enrique Solis. Genetics and Homosexuality
Anthony Garcia. The Great Clone Debate
Sherece Usher. The Science of Life
Julio Quezada. Smart Drug Trepidation: A Brave New World in Neuroscience
Erik Kufs. The Chemical Imbalance: The Debate Over Antidepressants
Nami Olgin. Disorder or Not: The Debate Over ADHD

NOTE: All New Syllabi Posted on Canvas

Spring 2013

English 306: Report Writing
English 313: Popular Culture
English 495esm: Multigenre Literacy in a Global Context

Fall 2012:

English 654: The Politics of Information
English 313: Popular Culture
English 495esm: Multigenre Literacy in a Global Context

Summer 2012:

English 313: Popular Culture

Fall 2011:

English 654: Rhetoric of Science

Summer 2011:

English 313: Popular Culture

Spring 2011

English 114B: Stretch Composition
English 313: Popular Culture
English 436: Major Critical Theories

Fall 2010:

English 114A: Stretch Composition
English 313: Popular Culture: The Radical Romance Popular Culture
English 495ESM: Multigenre Literacy in a Global Context
English 630RIS: Rise of the Novel (Graduate)

Summer 2010:

English 436: Major Critical Theories

Spring 2010:

English 312: Literature and Film: Woody Allen Literature and Film
English 436: Major Critical Theories
English 495 ESM: Multigenre Literacy in a Global Context
English 638: Critical Approaches to Literature (Graduate)

Fall 2009:

English 312: Literature and Film: The Dystopian Imaginary iterature and Film
English 313HON: Popular Culture: The Radical Romance : Popular Culture
English 651: Rhetorical Theory and Composition (Graduate)

Summer 2009:

English 436: Major Critical Theories

Spring 2009:

English 312: Literature and Film: The James Bond Formation