


Welcome! Fundamental and applied thermofluid research is performed in Thermofluid Research and Design Lab at California State University, Northridge, utilizing Computational, experimental and analytical techniques. Design and development of advanced heat management devices with applications in electronic cooling, biomedical devices, and renewable energy systems are also established in the lab. Research area include, but not limited to, investigation of thermal transport through porous media, multiphase flow and phase change, bioheat transfer, electronics cooling, renewable energy and energy recovery systems, highly efficient heat exchangers, gas turbine cooling techniques, fan design, rotor aerodynamics, wind and gas turbines, jet mixing and film cooling.


Principal Investigator

Shadi Mahjoob, PhD

Associate Professor


Mechanical Engineering Department

California State University, Northridge

Jacaranda Hall, Room 3343

18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330

Email: shadi.mahjoob@csun.edu

CSUN Profile: https://academics.csun.edu/faculty/shadi.mahjoob

Google Scholar Page: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4FKmhMIAAAAJ&hl=en\



PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of California Riverside, CA, US, 2008

MSc, Aerospace Engineering-Aerodynamics, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, 2000

BSc, Aerospace Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, 1998


Dr. Mahjoob was appointed as the Guest Editor for the Special Issue Heat and Mass Transfer Applications in Biomedical Systems for International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, in May 2024. For more information about this special issue, please visit



Dr. Mahjoob has also been a member of the organizing committee and Co-Track Chair of System Level Thermal Management for 2025 IEEE Itherm Conference (https://www.ieee-itherm.net/2025-organizing-committee/) and 2024 IEEE Itherm Conference (https://www.ieee-itherm.net/2024-organizing-committee/) and Session Chair for IEEE Itherm Conference for multiple years.

The laboratory director, Dr. Shadi Mahjoob, was interviewed by the previous CSUN Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mary Beth Walker, about Dr. Mahjoob's research, teaching, and work activities at California State University Northridge (CSUN) in March 2022. Here is the link for the interview in case you would like to watch the video:


Provost Walker Interviews Dr. Shadi Mahjoob.mp4


Recent Honors, Awards, Grants, and Achievements:

·      Guest Editor for the Special Issue Heat and Mass Transfer Applications in Biomedical Systems for International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, from May 2024.

·      Advisory Board Member of CSUN WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), from February 2020.

·      College Representative for CSUN International Education Council (IEC), from August 2018.

·      2024-2025 Community Engagement Pedagogical Grant Awardee, the Office of Community Engagement, CSU Northridge, Fall 2024.

·      CSUN-LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) Summer Research, Faculty mentor of two undergraduate students, Summer 2024.

·      The 3rd Place Award for Technical Presentation in 2024 International SAE Aero Design Competition, Faculty Advisor of Aero Senior Design Project, Spring 2024.

·      Top Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project for Oral Presentation in 2024 Senior Design Project Showcase (SDPS), Faculty Advisor, Spring 2024.

·      CSUNPosium 2024, One 1st Place Award for undergraduate students under my supervision, Spring 2024.

·      Teaching Climate Change & Resilience (TCCR) CSU Faculty Learning Community (FLC), Faculty Participant, Spring 2024.

·      2024 Spring SoCalGas STEM-NET Student Research Fellowship, Faculty mentor of my recipient undergraduate student, Spring 2024.

·      Member of the Organizing Committee and Co-Track Chair of System Level Thermal Management for 2024 IEEE Itherm Conference, 2023-2024.

·      Sabbatical Leave Recipient, College of Engineering and Computer Science, CSUN, Fall 2023.

·      Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Awards, The Engineer’s Council, the 68th Annual Honors and Awards Banquet, CA, 2023.

·      The 2nd Place Award for Technical Presentation in 2023 International SAE Aero Design Competition, Faculty Advisor of Aero Senior Design Project, Spring 2023.

·      CSUNPosium 2023, Two 1st Place Awards for undergraduate students under my supervision, Spring 2023.

·      2022-23 Edison STEM-NET Student Research Fellowship, Faculty mentor of my recipient undergraduate student, Spring 2023.

·      ABET Assessment Coordinator, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSU Northridge, Fall 2022-Summer 2023.

·      Research and Graduate Studies (RGS) Summer Grant Awardee, CSU Northridge, Summer-Fall 2022.

·      Member of ME Department Personnel Committee (DPC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSU Northridge, academic years of 2021-22 and 2022-2023.

·      Member of Review Committee for the Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science, appointed by the University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2022-2023.

·      IEEE Itherm Conference Session chair, The Intersociety Conf. on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, 2019 – 2023.

·      The 2nd Place Award for Mission Performance and The 3rd Place Award for Technical Presentation in 2022 International SAE Aero Design Competition, Faculty Advisor of Aero Senior Design Project, Spring 2022.

·      Top Senior Design Project Display of the College and Top Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project for Oral Presentation in 2022 Senior Design Project Showcase (SDPS), Faculty Advisor of Aero Senior Design Project, Spring 2022.

·      CSUNPosium 2022, One 1st Place Award for graduate student and three 1st Place Awards for undergraduate students under my supervision, Spring 2022.

·      Pandemic Recovery Grants for Research, Creative and Scholarly Activity Grant Awardee, CSUN Research and Sponsored Programs, Spring 2022.

·      2021-22 Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) Grant Awardee, Research and Sponsored Programs, CSU Northridge, Fall 2021.

·      CSU-LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) STEM Faculty Research Fellow, Summer 2021.

·      Research Fellow of College of Engineering and Computer Science, Funded by the Provost office, College of Engineering and Computer Science, and the library, California State University Northridge (CSUN), 2020-21.

·      Top Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project in 2021 Senior Design Project Showcase (SDPS), Faculty Advisor of Aero Senior Design Project, Spring 2021.

·      CSUNPosium 2021, One 1st Place and Two 2nd Place Awards for undergraduate students and One 1st Place Award for graduate student under my supervision, Spring 2021.

·      Research and Graduate Studies (RGS) Summer Grant Awardee, CSU Northridge, Summer-Fall 2019.

·      TUC-FLC Grant Awardee (2019-2020), The University Corporation (TUC) Learning Centered Teaching Grant, 2019-2020.

·      Transforming STEM Teaching: A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) Grant Awardee, CSUN Faculty Development, 2018-2019.

·      Probationary Faculty Support Grant Recipient, CSUN Faculty Development, Fall 2018.

·      Outstanding Engineering Achievement Merit Awards, The Engineer’s Council, the 62nd Annual Honors and Awards Banquet, CA, 2017.

·      CR Johnson Trust Fund, Department of Mechanical Eng., CSU Northridge, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

·      Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Awardee, Division of Student Affairs- Associated Students, CSU Northridge, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

·      Travel Funding Support Recipient to attend “CSU Annual Biotechnology Symposium”, Provided by CSUPERB (California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology), 2017, 2018, 2020.

·      Start Up Fund and Office Fund, College of Engineering and Computer Science, CSU Northridge, 2015

·      DFG (German Research Foundation) Scholarship Research Grant, Post-doctorate Researcher, Nano and Micro-Fluidics Institute (Center of Smart Interface) and Institute of Technical Thermodynamics (Mechanical Engineering Department), Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, 2010-11.

·      Invited Keynote Speaker, Cal Poly Pomona, Sponsored by NSF Advance Grant, CA, 2009.

·      ResMed Second Place Poster Award, 9th Annual UC System-wide Bioengineering Symposium, CA, 2008

·      Top Poster Presenter, 4th Annual Research Conference, Graduate Student Association, Graduate Division, University of California-Riverside, 2008

·      Outstanding Teacher Assistant, Graduate Division and Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside, Academic Year of 2006-2007

·      Graduate Division Fellowship Award, University of California, Riverside, 2006



A summary of the teaching and research activities of Dr. Mahjoob can be found in the following link:

Shadi Mahjoob-Research and Senior Design Projects.pdf



Graduate Students

      Michael Ellerbe (Current Student)

      Dalton Caldwell (Current Student)

      Elifalet Garcia (Current Student)

      Arturo Garcia (Current Student)

      Christian Corvera

      Sina Kashkuli

      Alan Chuang

      Carlos Zing

